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About us

See Project Details page for more information.

The Defence Learning Network (DLN) is a joint CMP and ADM(HR-Civ) initiative designed to foster an environment of continuous learning by providing "anywhere, anytime and just-in-time" access to learning, training and professional development programs and services for DND civilian and CF personnel.

The primary objective of the DLN project is to create a "Defence Learning Network" by acquiring, building or developing a number of major components, including a network of Learning and Career Centres, a Learning Management System (LMS), Centres of Excellence, a Test Facility, a policy framework, an industry standard application strategy and knowledge management repositories.

The DLN will serve and be used by all members of the Defence Team; however Managing Authorities and other major Learning Stakeholders will retain responsibility for courseware content to be delivered over this system.

The DLN Project Office falls under both CMP and ADM(HR-CIV). Located at 285 Coventry Road in Ottawa, it is made up of a team of individuals who are training and education specialists, technology and business analysts, developers, and other members with particular areas of expertise.



Learning... anywhere, anytime, just-in-time.
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