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DLN Test Lab / Canada ADL Partnership Lab
SCORM® research, development, testing and evaluation in a secure
state-of-the-art computer lab in Ottawa, Ontario

Link to ADL Canada Co-LabThe DLN Test Lab provides e-learning technology services to the Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces and Other Government Departments. It also conducts research and development in Distributed Learning technologies.

Some of the technologies we are working with:

  • SCORM®, IEEE, IMS, Cancore, XML;
  • Learning Object Metadata;
  • CORDRA – Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration/Resolution Architecture;
  • HIVE Harvest Road – Federated Digital Repository;
  • LMS/LCMS (Open Source and Proprietary);
  • Content Packagers;
  • Reload;
  • Macromedia Products, specifically:
    • Breeze;
    • RoboHelp;
    • Captivate;
    • Authorware;
    • Flash;
    • Dreamweaver; and
    • ColdFusion.
  • Oracle;
  • SQL Server
  • Unix;
  • Linux; and
  • Windows Operating Systems (OSs).

Visit the DLN Developers' page for technical information.

For more information, contact the DLN Test Lab Coordinator.

White Papers
SCORM® Dynamic Appearance Model: Download MS Word or PDF versions.

Picture of 285 Coventry Road
4th Floor
Coventry Building
285 Coventry Road
K1K 3X6