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Glossary of Acronyms

Welcome to the Glossary page of the DLN web site. You can look up unknown terminology and acronyms used in the Distributed Learning and Defence communities.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


ADL Advanced Distributed Learning.

ADM (IM) Assistant Deputy Minister Information Management.

ADM (S&T) Assistant Deputy Minister Science and Technology.

ADM HR-Civ Assistant Deputy Minister Human Resources - Civilian.

ADM HR-Mil Assistant Deputy Minister Human Resources - Military.

AICC Aerospace Industry Computer based training Committee.

ATP Acceptance Test Plan.

ASP An application service provider.

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BCEO Base Construction Engineering Officers.

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CFTDC Canadian Forces Training and Development Centre.

CLO Chief Learning Officer.

CLP Corporate Learning Programme.

CMI Computer mediated instruction.

COE Centres of Excellence.

COO Concept of Operations.

CTC Combat Training Centre.

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DA Departmental Authority.

DAOD Defence Administrative Order Directive.

DB/DFPPC Director Budgets/Director Financial Policy Planning Coordination.

DBCM Director Business Change Management.

DFinS Director Financial Services.

DGLPD Director General Learning and Professional Development.

DGMHRPP Director General Military Human Resources Policy and Plans.

DGPA Director General Public Affairs.

DHRIM Director Human Resources Information Management.

DIMR Director Information Management Requirements.

DIN Defence Information Network.

DIR Director Industry Research.

DLN Defence Learning Network.

DLN PMO Defence Learning Network Project Management Office.

DLPDSP Director Learning and Professional Development Strategies and Policies.

DMFS Director Military Family Services.

DMS Defence Management System.

DODLRI Director Organizational Development and Learning Research and Innovation.

DS Director of Studies.

DTEP Director Training Education Policy.

DWAN Defence Wide Area Network.

DAM Dynamic Access Model.

DND Department of National Defence.

DTD Document Type Definition.

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EPSS Electronic Performance Support Systems.

EM Engineering Manager.

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FMAS Financial Management Accounting System.

FTP File Transfer Protocol.

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GIF Graphics Interchange Format.

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HRMS Human Resource Management System.

HTML Hypertext Markup Language.

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IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

ILS Integrated Logistic Support.

IMS IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.

ISP Internet service provider.

ISTC Industry Science and Technology Canada.

IT Information Technology.

IT & E MF Individual Training and Education Management Framework.

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JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group.

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KMR Knowledge Management Repository.

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LAN Local Area Network.

LCC Learning and Career Centre.

LCCN Learning Career Centre Network.

LCM Life Cycle Manager.

LCMS Life Cycle Management System.

LMS Learning Management System.

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MA Managing Authority.

MA&S Materiel Acquisition and Support.

MHRCB Military Human Resources Capabilities Board.

MIP Master Implementation Plan.

MOU Memorandum of understanding.

MS Master Schedule.

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NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

NMSO National Master Standing Offer.

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O&M Operations and Maintenance.

OCS Officer Candidate School.

OGD Other Government Departments.

OPI Office of Primary Interest.

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PIP Project Implementation Plan.

PM Project Manager.

PMB Program Management Board.

PME Professional Military Education.

PMO Project Management Office.

POC Proof of Concept.

POC Point of Contact (usually in context).

PSO Personnel Selection Officer.

PWGSC Public Works and Government Services Canada.

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QOL Quality of life.

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RFP Request for Proposal.

RIS Risk Information Sheet.

RMC Royal Military College.

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SCAN Second Career Assistance Network.

SCD #1 Statement of Capability Deficiency.

SCD #2 Service Centre Director.

SCO Sharable Content Object(s).

SCORM® Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model.

SME Subject Matter Expert.

SOR Statement of Requirement.

SOW Statement of Work.

SS(ID) Synopsis Sheet (Identification).

SS(EPA) Synopsis Sheet (Effective Project Approval).

SS(PPA) Synopsis Sheet (Preliminary Project Approval).

STO Short Term Objectives.

SUI Student User Interface.

SWE Salary Wage Envelope.

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TBD To Be Determined.

TCCCS Tactical Command Control Communications System.

TDO Training Development Officer.

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U.S. ADL United States Advanced Distributed Learning.

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WBS Work Breakdown Structure.

WBT Web-based Training.

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XML eXtensible Markup Language.

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