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The following is a list of internal and external links that the DLN team found useful.

(The following hyperlinks are to sites of organizations or other entities that are not subject to the Official Languages Act. The material found there is therefore in the language(s) used by the sites in question.)

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General Purpose Links

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SCORM® Links

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Free On-line Courses

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E-Learning Links

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Web-based Learning Links

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Managing Authorities

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Organization and Committee Links

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Links to Standards

  • Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards.
  • Dublin Core Metadata Initiative for Administration of Metadata, Agents, Architecture, Citation, Collection Description, Education, Government, Libraries, Registry, Standards, Tools, Type, User Guide
  • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Learning Objects and Metadata, Tool/Agent Communication, Course Sequencing, Computer Managed Instruction, Competency Definitions, Localization, Content Packaging, Architecture and Reference Models, Glossary, Learner Model, Student Identifier, CBT Interchance Language, Semantics and Exchange Bindings, Data Interchange Protocols, Platform and Media Profiles
  • IMS Instructional Management Systems – Meta Data, Question and Test Interoperability, Re-usable Competency Definition, Content Management Systems, Profiles/Enterprise, Learning Design, Accessibility, Simple Sequencing, Digital Repositories
  • PROMETEUS – Accessibility, Business, Corporate, Design, Higher Education
  • for Technical Specifications for XML (Extensible Markup Language).
  • for Technical Specifications for HTML.
  • Resource Description Format
  • Universal Resource Identifier/Universal Resource Locator

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Other Government Departments

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Accessibility URLs