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Winter in Ontario

Building the Image and Influence of Tourism

“Making the Case for Tourism” Toolkit:

The “Making the Case for Tourism" toolkit was designed by IDO to assist economic development and tourism professionals make the business case for tourism within their communities. Users of the toolkit are encouraged to complete the sections of the kit which are most relevant for their needs, and to keep the information current for ongoing use with the media, municipalities, public inquiries, investment opportunities, etc.

How to Use the Toolkit

It is important to state that this Toolkit is an organic entity, which over time, will grow and evolve as new data and information are gathered and as the business environment changes.

The Toolkit components include sample power-point presentations for both large and small municipalities that can be used at Council, budget committee or other community meetings. Tourism/economic development officers need only insert research data and other information for their particular region. The presentations can be streamlined for the time allotted.

Also included is a 2-page Fact Sheet template to be used as a general information piece on tourism activity in your community, a communications manual, support materials and appendices to support your case. Finally, two sample pilot presentations are provided for Hamilton and Wasaga Beach to show you the outcome of what a typical presentation might look like once customized with your own community data and facts.

Foreword and Table of Contents (PDF Version)

Part 1: Introduction to the Toolkit (PDF Version)

Provides the background and rationale for producing this tool.

Part 2: Preparing the Presentation (PDF Version)

Provides instructions on how to modify the Power Point Suggested Speaking Text presentation and slide templates to suit your needs. Long (2A) and short presentation (2B) formats (PDF Version) are provided along with useful appendices and information on where to seek other data on tourism.

Part 3: The Fact Sheet (PDF Version)

Part 4: Communications Manual (PDF Version)

  • Section 1: Introduction
  • Section 2: Communications Tools
  • Section 3: Engaging Municipal Council
  • Section 4: Media Relations
  • Section 5: Local Resident and Business Community Communications


Appendix 1: The Basic Speaker Text (PDF Version)

Appendix II: Using the Regional Tourism Profiles (PDF Version)

Appendix III: Success Stories (PowerPoint Presentation)

Appendix IV: Hamilton Pilot Presentation

Appendix V: Wasaga Beach Pilot Presentation (PowerPoint Presentation)

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Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model (TREIM)

The Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model or TREIM is an economic model to estimate the contribution of tourism-related activities at various geographic levels in Ontario in terms of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment and tax revenues. A comprehensive description and the model and the application are available on the Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model section of the Ministry of Tourism’s website.

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