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Our Newsroom

If you are a journalist, a researcher or another media professional, the information on this page will be of interest to you!


Bill affecting supplemental pension plans (SSPs)


Contact information for our spokesperson

You can contact Herman Huot, spokesperson for the Régie:

By telephone:
Office: 418 657-8716, ext. 3439
Cellphone: 418 806-2110

By fax: 418 643-9012

By mail: Herman Huot
Régie des rentes du Québec
C. P. 5200
Québec (Québec) G1K 7S9

By e-mail: herman.huot@rrq.gouv.qc.ca


President and General Manager of the Régie

Consult the biographical note for Mr. Pierre Prémont, President and General Manager of the Régie.


Press releases

All the press releases issued by the Régie are available on this page (French only).

The most recent:

La ministre Michelle Courchesne annonce des économies de l'ordre de 100 M$ pour les municipalités, les universités et les CPE, en 2007
15 December 2006

« Notre gouvernement agit pour assurer une meilleure gestion des régimes complémentaires de retraite » - La ministre Michelle Courchesne

14 December 2006

5 Decembre 2006

24 November 2006

21 September 2006

2006 Press releases

2005 / 2004  /  2003  /  2002  /  2001  /  2000  /  1999  /  1998  /  1997


Worth noting... 

19 October 2005: Ms. Michelle Courchesne, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity and the minister responsible for the Régie, made a motion in the National Assembly to highlight the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Régie. She also underlined the Régie's outstanding contribution to Quebeckers' income security. Read our press release (in French only) for details!

15 July 2005: The Régie's 40th anniversary! Are you interested in knowing more about the creation of the Québec Pension Plan? Read about its history. Our Web site also provides information about the changes that the Régie has undergone since its beginning.

15 June 2005: The Régie's Annual management report 2004-2005 was tabled at the National Assembly. You can read the whole report or highlights (French only) (PDF : 456 K). Also, consult summaries (French only) (PDF : 65 K) on the number of contributors and beneficiaries, the amounts of contributions collected and pensions paid, etc.

24 May to 30 September 2005: The Régie des rentes du Québec held a consultation on a new funding framework for defined benefit pension plans.

15 February 2005: The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec announced its results (French only), in particular, the investment yield on the Québec Pension Plan fund in 2004.

6 December 2004: Mr. Claude Béchard, then Minister of Employment, Social Solidarity and Family Welfare, tabled the Actuarial report of the Québec Pension Plan as at 31 December 2003 at the National Assembly. According to this document, the Québec Pension Plan is in sound financial health and will be able to continue paying benefits to workers until at least 2050. An executive summary of the document is also available.

24 February to 4 March 2004:The Québec government and the Régie held a public consultation on the working paper entitled Adapting the Pension Plan to Québec's New Realities. Several documents related to the consultation are available on our site: the government's official document for the public consultation, the information supplement inserted in newspapers in October 2003, the study of the impacts of the proposed changes, as well as a list of the briefs received.


Statistics and other figures

To consult the most recent statistics (2004) on the Québec Pension Plan, supplemental pension plans or family benefits, discover our new section Studies and statistics.

If you are interested in learning the average age of beneficiaries (French only), consult the following table. (PDF : 7 K)

At a glance, consult the Québec Pension Plan's pension amounts for (French only):

Pension Index

Read the explanation on how the Pension Index for the Québec Pension Plan is determined.

To find out more:

  • 2004 statistics of the Québec Pension Plan (French only)
  • Highlights of the Régie des rentes du Québec - March 2005 (PDF : 65 K) (French only)

Liaison RRQ : our e-notification service

Thanks to our Liaison RRQ service, you can receive the kinds of information that you want by e-mail. The service has 3 components:

  • Liaison RRQ-News is an infoletter that regularly brings you information on topics that interest you:

    • financial planning for retirement
    • Québec Pension Plan
    • supplemental pension plans
    • locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs) and life income funds (LIFs)
    • children (mainly news about the child assistance measure)

  • Liaison RRQ-Magazine is an on-line publication with information about the Régie's programs and services
  • Liaison RRQ-Retirement Experts is an indispensable on-line publication for keeping abreast of what's happening in Québec and around the world in the retirement field.

Don't wait. Subscribe now!


Other important documents

Annual report 
Actuarial report
Service statement
Evaluation of the Québec System of Financial Security at Retirement in Relation to that of other Industrialized Countries
Other publications
