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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. @
  2. @ sign
  3. 1-by-1 GIF
  4. 1-pixel GIF
  5. 100% Pure Java
  6. 2PC protocol
  7. 3-D
  8. 3D
  9. 3D chat software
  10. abandonware
  11. ABS
  12. absolute hyperlink
  13. absolute link
  14. absolute positioning
  15. absolute positioning in style sheets
  16. absolute URL
  17. abstract window toolkit
  18. abstract windowing toolkit
  19. access control list
  20. access counter
  21. access Internet, to
  22. access provider
  23. access sharing
  24. access sharing system
  25. access to service provider
  26. access to SP
  27. accessible by Internet
  28. accessible in Internet
  29. accessible on Internet
  30. account info
  31. account information
  32. ACL
  33. Acrobat
  34. Acrobat Reader
  35. Acrobat Reader software
  36. active blog
  37. active image
  38. Active Server Page
  39. Active Server Pages
  40. Active Streaming Format
  41. Active Streaming Video Format
  42. active weblog
  43. ActiveX
  44. ActiveX component
  45. ActiveX component model
  46. ActiveX control
  47. ActiveX technology
  48. ad banner
  49. ad banner impression
  50. ad blog
  51. ad button
  52. ad click
  53. ad click rate
  54. ad click-through
  55. ad click-through rate
  56. ad impression
  57. ad software
  58. ad weblog
  59. add to bookmarks, to
  60. address bar
  61. address mask
  62. address resolution protocol
  63. address spoofing
  64. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  65. Advanced Streaming Format
  66. adverblog
  67. advertisement button
  68. advertisement click
  69. advertisement click-through
  70. advertisement software
  71. advertising banner
  72. advertising banner impression
  73. advertising blog
  74. advertising button
  75. advertising impression
  76. advertising software
  77. advertising weblog
  78. advertizing banner
  79. adware
  80. affiliate program
  81. affiliation program
  82. agent hospitality
  83. aggregation software
  84. aggregator
  85. aggregator software
  86. agile applet
  87. aglet
  88. ALE
  89. ALE technology
  90. aliasing
  91. all-IP network
  92. anchor
  93. anglobloggosphere
  94. angloblogosphere
  95. anglophone bloggosphere
  96. anglophone blogosphere
  97. ankle-biter
  98. annoyware
  99. anonymous
  100. anonymous e-mail
  101. anonymous e-mail forwarding service
  102. anonymous FTP
  103. anonymous FTP archive
  104. anonymous FTP archive site
  105. anonymous FTP server
  106. anonymous FTP site
  107. anonymous mail
  108. anonymous remailer
  109. anonymous remailer operator
  110. anonymous remailer service
  111. another windowing toolkit
  112. anti-cybersquatting
  113. anti-hacking
  114. anti-netiquette
  115. anti-phishing
  116. anti-spam
  117. anti-spamming
  118. anti-spyware
  119. anticybersquatting
  120. antihacking
  121. antiphishing
  122. antispyware
  123. app tag
  124. applet
  125. applet
  126. APPLET HTML tag
  127. APPLET tag
  128. applet viewer
  129. appletviewer
  130. applicant search system
  131. applicant tracking system
  132. application firewall
  133. application launching & embedding
  134. application launching & embedding technology
  135. application launching and embedding
  136. application launching and embedding technology
  137. application level firewall
  138. application logic
  139. application Proxy
  140. application server
  141. application service
  142. application sharing
  143. application switch
  144. application switching
  145. Archie
  146. Archie client
  147. Archie server
  148. archive server
  149. archive site
  150. archives
  151. archiving
  152. ARP
  153. ARP protocol
  154. ARPANET
  155. ARPAnet
  156. art online gallery
  157. article
  158. ASCII art
  159. ASCII design
  160. ASCII file
  161. ASCII picture
  162. ASF
  163. ASP
  164. assistant shopper
  165. associate program
  166. asymmetric algorithm
  167. asymmetric cryptographic algorithm
  168. asymmetric cryptography
  169. asymmetric encipherment
  170. asymmetric encryption
  171. asymmetric key
  172. asymmetrical encryption
  173. at sign
  174. at-sign
  175. Atom button
  176. ATS
  177. attached document
  178. attached file
  179. attached piece
  180. attachment
  181. attachment file
  182. attack signature
  183. attractive e-marketing
  184. attractive marketing
  185. attractivity
  186. attribute
  187. auction sale site
  188. auction site
  189. auction Web site
  190. audblog
  191. audblog, to
  192. audbloger
  193. audblogger
  194. audblogging
  195. audbloging
  196. audience measurement software
  197. audio bit stream
  198. audio blog
  199. audio blogger
  200. audio blogging
  201. audio bloging
  202. audio e-mail
  203. audio e-mail message
  204. audio email
  205. audio entry
  206. audio extraction
  207. audio mail
  208. audio message
  209. audio podcast
  210. audio portal
  211. audio post
  212. audio ripping
  213. audio stream
  214. audio streaming
  215. audio video chat
  216. audio-video webcast
  217. audio webcast
  218. audio weblog
  219. audio weblogging
  220. audio webloging
  221. audioblog
  222. audioblog, to
  223. audiobloger
  224. audioblogger
  225. audioblogging
  226. audiobloging
  227. audiocast
  228. audioweblog
  229. audioweblog, to
  230. authenticate, to
  231. authentication
  232. auto-update
  233. auto-updating
  234. automated message canceling system
  235. automatic dialer
  236. automatic redirection
  237. automatic redirection page
  238. automatic update
  239. automatic updating
  240. avatar
  241. avatar chat software
  242. AWT

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