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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. landing page
  2. laughing out loud
  3. layer
  4. layer
  5. layer 7 switch
  6. layer 7 switching
  7. LDAP
  8. leader application
  9. legal audit
  10. legal Web audit
  11. legend box
  12. Legion of Doom
  13. Legion Of Doom Hackers
  14. letter chain
  15. light node
  16. lighting node
  17. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  18. line mode browser
  19. line-oriented browser
  20. link, to
  21. link exchange
  22. link list
  23. link page
  24. link popularity
  25. link selection
  26. link word
  27. linked site
  28. linked Web site
  29. linked website
  30. list
  31. list item
  32. list of FAQs
  33. list-serve
  34. list server
  35. listserv
  36. literary blog
  37. literary weblog
  38. literature blog
  39. literature weblog
  40. live cam
  41. live camera
  42. live update
  43. live updating
  44. LiveScript
  45. local HTML link
  46. local hyperlink
  47. local link
  48. location field
  49. lock
  50. LOD
  51. LODH
  52. log file
  53. logging file
  54. logical style
  55. logical tag
  56. login ID
  57. login name
  58. logon ID
  59. logon name
  60. lol
  61. LOL
  62. lot of laugh
  63. loyalty
  64. loyalty e-marketing
  65. loyalty marketing
  66. LP
  67. lurk, to
  68. lurker
  69. lurking
  70. luser

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