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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. i-commerce
  2. i-shopping
  3. i-way
  4. IAHC
  5. IANA
  6. IAP
  7. IB
  8. ICA
  9. ICA client software
  10. ICA protocol
  11. ICMP
  12. ICMP protocol
  13. ICP
  14. ICP protocol
  15. ICQ
  16. ICQ software
  17. ICS
  18. ID system
  19. IDC
  20. identification certificate
  21. IDL
  22. IDS
  23. IDS system
  24. IETF
  25. iFCP
  26. IGMP
  27. IIOP
  28. iKP protocols
  29. IKP protocols
  30. IM
  31. image map
  32. image search engine
  33. IMAP
  34. IMCP
  35. in 3-D
  36. in 3D
  37. in-basket
  38. in-basket item
  39. in three dimensions
  40. inactive blog
  41. inactive weblog
  42. Inbasket Item
  43. inbound link
  44. inbox
  45. inclusion by reference
  46. incoming link
  47. incoming mail
  48. index spamming
  49. indexer
  50. industry portal
  51. INET
  52. INET
  53. inet
  54. iNet
  55. Inet
  56. INET Conference
  57. INET network
  58. iNet network
  59. Inferno
  60. info have-nots
  61. info haves
  62. info highway
  63. info site
  64. info strada
  65. info Web site
  66. infobahn
  67. infoletter
  68. infomaster
  69. infopoors
  70. information aggregator
  71. information and communication technologies
  72. information architect
  73. information architecture professional
  74. information architecture specialist
  75. information bundle
  76. information cluster
  77. information have-nots
  78. information haves
  79. information highway
  80. information letter
  81. information poors
  82. information push
  83. information pusher
  84. information-retrieval tool
  85. information site
  86. information superhighway
  87. information technologies
  88. information technology
  89. information Web site
  90. informative site
  91. informative Web site
  92. informed people
  93. inforoad
  94. ingoing link
  95. inline image
  96. inline plug-in
  97. inlining
  98. input page
  99. instancing
  100. instant-connection network
  101. instant message
  102. Instant Message
  103. instant message service
  104. instant messaging
  105. instantiation
  106. integrated service delivery
  107. Intelligent Console Architecture
  108. intelligent shopping agent
  109. intelligent terminal
  110. Intelligent Web
  111. inter-cache protocol
  112. inter-system link
  113. interactive advertising
  114. interactive agency
  115. interactive catalog
  116. interactive Internet
  117. interactive page
  118. Interactive Relay Chat
  119. interactive site
  120. interactive Talk
  121. interactive Web
  122. interactive Web agency
  123. interactive Web site
  124. interblog
  125. Intercast
  126. Intercast technology
  127. Interconnect Console Architecture
  128. interconnecting tunnel
  129. Interface Definition Language
  130. interface efficiency expert
  131. interface ergonomist
  132. interface expert
  133. interim NREN
  134. internal document link
  135. internal image
  136. internal link
  137. internal search engine
  138. internal search tool
  139. International Ad Hoc Committee
  140. International Networking conference
  141. Internaut
  142. internaut
  143. Internaut on the move
  144. internautic
  145. internautical
  146. internet
  147. Internet
  148. Internet accelerator
  149. Internet access
  150. Internet access account
  151. Internet access by satellite
  152. Internet access provider
  153. Internet access sharing
  154. Internet access sharing solution
  155. Internet-access sharing system
  156. Internet access via cable TV
  157. Internet access via satellite
  158. Internet accessible
  159. Internet account
  160. Internet Ad Hoc Coalition
  161. Internet Ad Hoc Committee
  162. Internet addiction
  163. Internet Address Naming Authority
  164. Internet advertising
  165. Internet agency
  166. Internet appliance
  167. Internet applications suite
  168. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  169. Internet backbone
  170. Internet backup
  171. Internet banking
  172. Internet banking site
  173. Internet banner
  174. Internet billing
  175. Internet booth
  176. Internet box
  177. Internet browser
  178. Internet by satellite
  179. Internet cable access
  180. Internet cache protocol
  181. Internet Café
  182. Internet call
  183. Internet camera
  184. Internet cell phone
  185. Internet chat
  186. Internet chat server
  187. Internet child luring
  188. Internet citizen
  189. Internet commerce
  190. Internet Commerce Server
  191. Internet commerce site
  192. Internet commerce solution
  193. Internet company
  194. Internet computer
  195. Internet conference
  196. Internet conferencing
  197. Internet connection
  198. Internet consultation
  199. Internet content
  200. Internet Control Message Protocol
  201. Internet credit card order
  202. Internet data center
  203. Internet data centre
  204. Internet domain
  205. Internet Domain Name registry
  206. Internet Domain registry
  207. Internet dropout
  208. Internet e-mail address
  209. Internet e-mail software
  210. Internet Engineering Task Force
  211. Internet eroticism
  212. Internet ethics
  213. Internet etiquette
  214. Internet exchange
  215. Internet exchange point
  216. Internet fax
  217. Internet fax
  218. Internet faxing
  219. Internet Fibre Channel protocol
  220. Internet film
  221. Internet freebies
  222. Internet game
  223. Internet geek
  224. Internet goodie
  225. Internet Gopher
  226. Internet Group Management Protocol
  227. Internet home banking
  228. Internet host
  229. Internet hosting
  230. Internet in the sky
  231. Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
  232. Internet interconnection point
  233. Internet International Ad Hoc Committee
  234. Internet keyed payment protocols
  235. Internet kiosk
  236. Internet listener
  237. Internet literacy
  238. Internet luring
  239. Internet luring of children
  240. Internet magazine
  241. Internet Mail Access Protocol
  242. Internet marketing
  243. Internet marketplace
  244. Internet mentoring
  245. Internet Message Access Protocol
  246. Internet Message Control Protocol
  247. Internet mobile phone
  248. Internet movie
  249. Internet Multicast Backbone
  250. Internet multicast network
  251. Internet music
  252. Internet name
  253. Internet navigator
  254. Internet network
  255. Internet network ethics
  256. Internet network etiquette
  257. Internet Network Information Center
  258. Internet numeric address
  259. Internet order
  260. Internet payment
  261. Internet phone
  262. Internet phone
  263. Internet phone software
  264. Internet portal
  265. Internet predation
  266. Internet Printing Protocol
  267. Internet printing software
  268. Internet procurement
  269. Internet project coordinator
  270. Internet project manager
  271. Internet Protocol
  272. Internet Protocol address
  273. Internet protocol-based storage networking
  274. Internet Protocol next generation
  275. Internet protocol small computer system interface
  276. Internet protocol spoofing
  277. Internet Protocol telephony
  278. Internet Protocol version 6
  279. Internet provider
  280. Internet publishing
  281. Internet purchase
  282. Internet push broadcasting software
  283. Internet radio
  284. Internet radio listener
  285. Internet real-time camera
  286. Internet Relay Chat
  287. Internet Relay Chat function
  288. Internet religion
  289. Internet research
  290. Internet resource
  291. Internet reverse auctions
  292. Internet router
  293. Internet routing
  294. Internet sale
  295. Internet satellite access
  296. Internet SCSI
  297. Internet search tool
  298. Internet security
  299. Internet server
  300. Internet Server Box
  301. Internet service provider
  302. Internet session
  303. Internet shop
  304. Internet shopper
  305. Internet shopping
  306. Internet site
  307. Internet site audit
  308. Internet small computer system interface
  309. Internet software
  310. Internet space
  311. Internet start-up
  312. Internet start-up company
  313. Internet start-up firm
  314. Internet store
  315. Internet storefront
  316. Internet studio
  317. Internet suite
  318. Internet surfer
  319. Internet surfing
  320. Internet survey
  321. Internet team
  322. Internet telephone
  323. Internet telephone
  324. Internet telephone software
  325. Internet telephony
  326. Internet telephony gateway
  327. Internet telephony service provider
  328. Internet telephony software
  329. Internet terminal
  330. Internet ticket office
  331. Internet ticketing
  332. Internet training
  333. Internet transaction
  334. Internet user
  335. Internet user on the move
  336. Internet videoconference
  337. Internet videoconferencing
  338. Internet white pages
  339. Internet2
  340. internetic
  341. internetical
  342. Internetiquette
  343. internetisation
  344. internetise, to
  345. internetised
  346. internetization
  347. internetize, to
  348. internetized
  349. Internetter
  350. internetting
  351. internetwork
  352. internetworking
  353. InterNIC
  354. intersite
  355. interstitial
  356. interstitial ad
  357. interstitial advertisement
  358. interstitial advertising
  359. interweblog
  360. intimate blog
  361. intimate weblog
  362. intra-page link
  363. intra-site
  364. intra-system link
  365. intrabusiness e-commerce
  366. intrabusiness EC
  367. intradocument hyperlink
  368. intranaut
  369. intranet
  370. Intranet-based training
  371. intranet network
  372. Intranet server
  373. intranet site
  374. intranet team
  375. Intranet training
  376. intranet user
  377. intranetter
  378. intranetworking
  379. intrasite
  380. introspection
  381. intrusion detection system
  382. invisible GIF
  383. invisible Internet
  384. invisible pixel
  385. invisible Web
  386. invitation-only channel
  387. invite-only channel
  388. IP
  389. IP address
  390. IP address access filter list
  391. IP-address filter
  392. IP address filter list
  393. IP address spoofing
  394. IP-based data network
  395. IP-based fiber optic network
  396. IP-based storage
  397. IP-based storage networking
  398. IP datagram
  399. IP faxing
  400. IP fiber optic network
  401. IP gateway
  402. IP Internet
  403. IP Multicast
  404. IP multicast
  405. IP Multicast group
  406. IP Multicast Initiative
  407. IP Multicast protocol
  408. IP multicasting
  409. IP network
  410. IP next generation
  411. IP next generation Protocol
  412. IP number
  413. IP over SDH
  414. IP over SONET
  415. IP PABX
  416. IP packet
  417. IP PBX
  418. IP phone
  419. IP protocol
  420. IP/PSTN gateway
  421. IP router
  422. IP routing
  423. IP SAN
  424. IP small computer system interface
  425. IP spoof
  426. IP spoofing
  427. IP storage
  428. IP telephone
  429. IP telephony
  430. IP telephony gateway
  431. IP time-to-live
  432. IP version 6
  433. IP virtual private network
  434. IP VPN
  435. IPBX
  436. IPMI
  437. IPng
  438. IPng Protocol
  439. iPodcasting
  440. IPP
  441. IPSec SA
  442. IPSec security association
  443. IPv6
  444. IPv6 Protocol
  445. IRC
  446. IRC administrator
  447. IRC bot
  448. IRC channel
  449. IRC channel operator
  450. IRC chat server
  451. IRC client
  452. IRC client program
  453. IRC client software
  454. IRC command
  455. IRC connection
  456. IRC function
  457. IRC net
  458. IRC network
  459. IRC participant
  460. IRC program
  461. IRC robot
  462. IRC server
  463. IRC session
  464. IRC software
  465. IRC technology
  466. IRC user
  467. IRL
  468. irreversible encryption
  469. iSCSI
  470. island
  471. ISMAP clickable image
  472. ISMAP image
  473. ISMAP map
  474. ISO/OSI reference model
  475. ISP
  476. IT
  477. ITSP
  478. IX

Portail du Gouvernement du Québec