Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Mineral Properties Available

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Mineral Properties Available in British Columbia

Previous Versions:
May 2005 (no hardcopy published)
Information Circular 2005-2, January 2005
Information Circular 2004-7, May 2004

January 2006 Version published as Open File 2006-10

The British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, in partnership with the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC), new name of British Columbia and Yukon Chamber of Mines, maintains the Mineral Properties Available in British Columbia Map. The latest update of the map was posted January 13, 2006 to This map shows the locations of mineral properties available for option or sale in British Columbia. The map in PDF format is published as Open File 2006-10. See below for previous versions.

The Mineral Properties Available in British Columbia Submission Form is still available for additional submissions. Approved submissions will be displayed on the MapPlace map and the linked report. These new submissions will appear as a separate layer at the top of the legend in the map. Instructions for Submitting Information.

Mineral Properties on MapPlace

Mineral Properties Report

If the Properties Available Map (Hardcopy or the MapPlace Version) resulted in helping you sell or option your property please let us know by email. This helps us to justify continuing to support this initiative. For further information please contact Pat Desjardins, BC Geological Survey at: Email: Phone: (250) 952-0425.

May 2005 Version (no hardcopy published)

January 2005 Version IC 2005-2:

Mineral Properties Map, January 2005

Plotter-size Map
(PDF 2.5MB)

Page-size Map
(PDF 1.5MB)

May 2004 Version IC 2004-7:

In partnership with the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC), the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources developed a mineral properties for sale/option map within British Columbia.  Prospectors and mining exploration companies were invited to submit property information to May 8, 2004.  This information was included on a published hardcopy provincial scale map.  The Mineral Properties Available in BC Map was released by the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia May 18, 2004.  Information Circular 2004-7 is available at this website as a poster-size map and page-size map.  The MapPlace version of the map was updated May 2005 (see above).  A table is included with each map.  Download MS Access Table of Mineral Properties Available (May 18, 2004).

Mineral Properties Map, May 18, 2004

Plotter-size Map

Page-size Map

Disclaimer The description of a mineral property is submitted voluntarily. The accuracy of the information in all cases is the sole responsibility of the submitter. The information will be reproduced as submitted and the AME or the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources are not responsible for its content. By submitting information the submitter expressly authorizes the publication of the information by the AME or the Ministry to the public. By publishing the information the AME or the Ministry are not validating the status or endorsing the merits of a mineral property, a prospector or company.  This map will not represent a complete and accurate list of known mineral occurrences or available properties.

For further information please contact Pat Desjardins, BC Geological Survey at: Email: Phone: (250) 952-0425.

This page last updated: December 08, 2006.

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