Public Health

Framework for Health Goals and a Healthy Population in BC

BC's health goals, established in 1998, set out a vision for a healthy population and a framework for action for improving the health of British Columbians.

The Provincial Health Officer plays a key role in promoting and reporting on progress toward achieving the health goals. This includes a report on policy and practice (PDF 215K ) - and the use of health goals by BC government ministries.

In addition to the health goals, the province has New Era statements for a vision for a healthier BC. The Ministry of Health Services and other ministries have also established related performance indicators and goals.

Health Goals comparison with New Era Vision Statements

New Era Vision Statements

Health Goals

Vision Statement 3: A thriving private sector economy that creates high-paying job opportunities.

Vision Statement 4: Safer streets and schools in every community.

Goal 1 - Living and Working Conditions: Positive and supportive working conditions in all our communities.

Vision Statement 1: A top-notch education system for students of all ages.

Vision Statement 8: Greater equity and equality for British Columbia in Canada.

Goal 2 - Individual Capacities, Skills and Choices: Opportunities for all individuals to develop and maintain the capacities and skills needed to thrive and meet life's challenges and to make choices that enhance health.

Vision Statement 7: A leading-edge forest industry that is globally recognized for its productivity and environmental stewardship.

Goal 3 - Physical Environment: A diverse and sustainable physical environment with clean, healthy and safe air, water and land.

Vision Statement 2: High-quality public health-care services that meet all patients' needs where they live and when they need it.

Goal 4 - Health Services: An effective and efficient health service system that provides equitable access to appropriate services.

Vision Statement 5: Better services for children, families and First Nations.

Goal 5 - Aboriginal Health: Improved health for Aboriginal peoples.

10-year health strategy: Intensify efforts to promote wellness and preventive care through better education, dietary habits and physical activity.

Goal 6 - Disease and Injury Prevention: Reduction of preventable illness, injuries, disabilities and premature deaths.