Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Southern Interior Forest Region
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Site Contents
Public Use - Homepage
Safety in Burned Forest Areas
Mushroom Picking
Mushroom Resources
Road Use and Access
Fire Prevention
General Information

Southern Interior Forest Region Home Page

Ministry of Forests Home Page

Fire Prevention

Every year, about half of all forest fires are caused by people. A discarded match, a burning cigarette butt, or an escaped campfire can easily cause a fire that threatens the lives of people and animals, and the forest.


  • Smoking and escaped campfires are leading causes of wildfires, while sparks caused by equipment and vehicles can also start a fire. Don't be the cause of a wildfire!
  • For information on wildfire hazards and campfire restrictions, call the 1-888-3-FOREST fire information line, with pre-recorded updates on wildfire locations and smoke advisories.
  • To report a wildfire call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 from a cellular phone
  • Report any suspicious activities to the RCMP - keeping our public forests safe is everyone's responsibility.


Campfire Bans

Learn about Fire

Reporting wildfires

Fire Danger Rating
