Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Southern Interior Forest Region
Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the Southern Interior Forest Region web siteContact Information for the Southern Interior Forest Region


Site Contents
Public Use - Homepage
Safety in Burned Forest Areas
Mushroom Picking
Mushroom Resources
Road Use and Access
Fire Prevention
General Information

Southern Interior Forest Region Home Page

Ministry of Forests Home Page



To find out where permission is required to pick mushrooms, see the section "Where can I pick mushrooms" on the Mushroom picking page.

Note to map users: Users are responsible for interpreting map/location data. Maps may not be complete, up-to-date, show areas with restricted access or private land.

Fire Maps

Fires in British Columbia - 2003
Internet Mapping, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

Large Fires in B.C. - 2003
Protection Program, Ministry of Forests
(Note: Maps are not available for all fires listed on this page.)

Fire Locations (2001-2003, maps and GPS locations)
Protection Program, Ministry of Forests

Other Map Links

Timber Supply Area/Tree Farm Licence Map (Ministry of Forests)
Note: This map shows Tree Farm Licences (where permission to pick mushrooms may be required) and Parks and Protected Areas (where mushroom picking is prohibited).

Community Forests (Ministry of Forests)
Note: You may need permission to pick mushrooms in community forest licence areas.

Forest Districts and Regions (Ministry of Forests)

Land Information B.C. (Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management)

British Columbia Road Maps (Ministry of Transportation)

Hardcopy Map Products, etc. (Ministry of Forests, District of Chilliwack)
Note: This site has links to many different map sources

Forest Service Recreation Maps (Queen's Printer)
Note: Copies are not available at district offices

Crown Publications Inc.
Note: Crown Publications is the authorized distributor of B.C. acts, regulations and related legislative publications. It stocks topographic, nautical and forest cover maps and charts.
