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November 23, 2005 - B.C. and Quebec Sign Agreement on Francophone Affairs

October 31, 2005 - Premiers, Governor Move Ahead on Pipeline Planning

October 31, 2005 - B.C. and Alaska Sign Cooperation Arrangement

October 26, 2005 - B.C. Comments on Proposed U.S. Passport Requirement

October 18, 2005 - Van Dongen Represents B.C. at Montana Energy Forum

October 7, 2005 - BC and Washington Commit to Strengthen Ties

October 3, 2005 - Van Dongen Discusses Borders, Energy in Washington, D.C.

August 11-12, 2005 - Council of the Federation - Banff, AB

May 4-6, 2005 - Western Premiers' Conference

March 18, 2005 - B.C.-Alberta Joint Cabinet Meeting

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