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Recognizing Prior Learning (RPL) is a broad umbrella concept which values all learning that people have gained in their lives (at home, at school, at work and in the community). This learning could be:

  • Formal Learning – structured, intentional, and achieved through credit-based programs/courses;
  • Non-Formal Learning – intentional and gained through participation in non-credit courses; workplace-based training, or workshops.
  • Informal Learning – incidental and gained through life experience, workplace-based tasks, volunteer activities, self study, hobbies, family responsibilities, etc;
  • Experiential Learning - either intentional or incidental and encompasses the concepts of nonformal and informal learning.

RPL consists of three key processes for recognizing the forms of learning mentioned above. To recognize a person's formal and/or experiential learning, any or all of the following processes could apply:


SEEKING CREDIT FOR YOUR PRIOR LEARNING? Explore your options using Saskatchewan Learning’s RPL Referral Guide. The RPL Referral Guide explains the different types of prior learning that can be assessed and recognized. The guide includes:

  • Contact information for institutions;
  • An outline of the referral process, including a checklist and flowchart for advisors/counsellors;
  • Brief explanations of institutional policies and practices for RPL; and
  • Key terms and relevant resources in the field of RPL
Referral Guide
Facilitator's Guide to Reflection and Portfolio Development

This guide has been developed to support facilitators as they lead learners through a process of thinking about what they know and can do (reflection). Through involvement in these activities, learners identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they have developed, and create evidence of their learning. These general activities are intended to be adapted by facilitators to meet the needs of any group.
Facilitators Guide

The Recognizing Prior Learning in Saskatchewan: Provincial Policy Framework outlines the vision, guiding principles, role of stakeholders, and a comprehensive action plan. The action plan has proven to be instrumental in guiding the province’s strategic planning as we work collaboratively to improve the learning recognition system in Saskatchewan.

Provincial Policy Framework

If you are considering using PLAR to address learning recognition needs, please review both the progress and final reports of the Saskatchewan Learning PLAR Enhancement Funding Initiative.

The reports present a synopsis of 11 PLAR projects undertaken at various post-secondary institutions; project coordinators share their stories, challenges encountered, and achievements. The reports include an executive summary outlining lessons learned and best practices. The findings provide insight, from the perspective of education/training providers, on how to effectively implement PLAR processes.

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RPL processes help people manage multiple life/work transitions that have become increasingly common in today's labour market. RPL comprises programs and services that support people experiencing transitions, including:

  • Youth moving from school to work;
  • People changing jobs or career paths; and
  • Workers moving to Saskatchewan with qualifications from other provinces or abroad.

The Job Start/Future Skills Sector Partnerships Program has worked with various sectors to explore how RPL can support training and career laddering to address their human resource needs.


Sector Partnership Reports

For additional sector partnership reports, please visit Sector Partnerships Program Publications.