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Bully Free Alberta
The Government of Alberta website is a one-stop resource for parents, teens and community members. It’s filled with helpful information about how to deal with bullying.

S-Team Heroes
Another Government of Alberta site—this one specifically designed for elementary school kids. Learn to stick up for yourself and others by making powerful choices. A helpful resource for those mentoring younger students.

Action Committee Against Violence
Providing those in the violence prevention sector and those affected by violence with information on programs, organizations and resources that are available for the city of Calgary.
Encourages positive actions against bullying through the sharing of resources; champions of non-violent solutions to the challenges and problems associated with bullying.

Bullying Awareness Network
An initiative of Child & Youth Friendly Ottawa and the Ottawa Anti-Bullying Coalition to help people better understand bullying behaviour, the consequences and how it might be prevented.

Canadian Initiative for the Prevention of Bullying
CIPB is a coalition of Canadians concerned about bullying, with a mandate to enhance awareness, provide assessment and intervention tools, and to promote policy related to the problems of bullying.

Citizens Against Bullying of Northern Alberta
A great place to look for stories, solutions and advice. The Citizens Against Bullying site has a wealth of information in one convenient place.
Learn more about what it is and what can be done to stop it, with updated facts and news about the constantly evolving problem of cyber-harassment.

Kids Help Phone
Need to talk? Kids Help Phone counselors are on standby 24/7 for your call, or you can ask your question online through an anonymous posting. A place to get informed, get counseling and express yourself.

Leave Out ViolencE
LOVE is a not-for-profit organization that reduces violence in the lives of youth and in our communities by building a team of youth who communicate a message of non-violence.

University of Alberta - Research
Have you ever tried to stop bullying? If you are interested in being involved in research at the University of Alberta, check out this link for more information.

Youth Canada Association
YOUCAN is an organization focused on youth-led initiatives in non-violent conflict resolution and violence prevention, both nationally and internationally.

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