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  • Everyone – including bystanders – are affected in some way by bullying (Sudermann, Jaffe Schieck, 1996)

  • Every month, 13% of Canadian students report being victims of electronic bullying, or of electronically bullying others (Canadian Public Health Association

  • 34% of students in Grades 7 to 11 report that they had been bullied within the current school year. Among those, 27% say they had been bullied over the Internet. (Young Canadians in a Wired World, Media Awareness Network, 2005)

  • Under the Criminal Code of Canada, it is a crime to communicate repeatedly with someone if your communication causes them to fear for their own safety or the safety of others. (Media Awareness Network, 2005)

  • 60 per cent of students pretend to be someone else when they are online. Of those, 17 per cent do so because they want to "act mean to people and get away with it". (Media Awareness Network, 2005)

  • One in ten teenagers is a victim of cyberbullying in the U.K. (MSN U.K.)

  • 81% of secondary students express empathy for victims (The Anti-Bullying Handbook, Ken Sullivan, 2000)

  • Only 10-21% see bullying as a good way to solve problems (The Anti-Bullying Handbook, Ken Sullivan, 2000)

  • Boys and girls are equally likely to report being victimized (Craig & Pepler, 1997)

  • About 1/3 of Alberta households surveyed said that bullying has affected their family (Ipsos Reid, 2006) (this is taken from our March omnibus survey)

  • At least 85% of bullying happens in a peer group (Craig & Pepler, 1997)

  • Bullies are more likely to be convicted of criminal offences when they’re older (Olweus, 1979)

  • Bullying isn’t a normal part of growing up. (
  • 83% of students who have watched bullying say it makes them uncomfortable (Craig & Pepler, 1997)

  • Bullying stops in less than 10 seconds, 57% of the time when someone intervenes on behalf of the victim (Craig & Pepler, 1997)

  • Bullying can leave scars that last a lifetime. (, 2005)

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