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Straight As for Newfoundland and Labrador in Wait Times Report Card - May 1 2007
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Strengthening the Province’s Child, Youth and Family Services System - April 30 2007
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Government Releases Feasibility Study on Sir Wilfred Grenfell College - April 27 2007
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Government Releases Phase II Reports for Baie Verte and Rambler Mine Sites - April 27 2007
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Vision. Action. Budget 2007 – A Significant Financial, Economic and Social Achievement
April 26 2007
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Achieving Self-Reliance by Becoming Masters of Our Own House: Throne Speech 2007
April 24 2007
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Enhancements to Program Make Drugs More Affordable - April 23 2007
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Premier Launches Northern Strategic Plan for Labrador - April 20 2007
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Deadline for Big Game Licence Applications Extended - April 19 2007
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Province Acquires 60 Original Works of Art Under 2006 Art Procurement Program
April 18 2007
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Federal Government Misled Province on Impact of New Equalization Program - April 13 2007
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Renewing the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishing Industry - April 12 2007
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Minister Provides Quarterly Update on Wait Times for Health Care Procedures - April 5 2007
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Government Invests a Further $10 Million in Provincial Roads - April 5 2007
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New Training Program for Fish Inspectors a First in Canada - April 5 2007
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Nominations Sought to Recognize Environmental Leaders - April 5 2007
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Teacher Allocations Announced – Focus on Need Versus Numbers - April 4 2007
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The Facts About a Prime Minister’s Promise April 3 2007
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Changes to Mandatory Retirement Rules Effective May 26 - April 2 2007
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Province Approves Production Rate Increase for White Rose - April 2 2007
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