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Fisheries and Aquaculture - 1996

March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

For releases prior to March 14, 1996 click here.


March 29
Minister reports on 1996 seal fishery


April 15
Minister says seal markets calling for more seals

April 18
Minister to hold news conference, April 19 - Subject: Professionalization of fish harvesters

April 19
Province moves toward professional certification of fish harvesters

April 24
Annual review of processing and marketing programs of
Canada-Newfoundland Agreement for Fishing Industry Development


May 2
ACOA key player in development of aquaculture industry

May 10
Minister to hold news conference, May 13 - Subject: Experimental fisheries

May 13
Experimental fisheries announced

May 16
Aquaculture industry gets financial boost in provincial budget


June 12
Minister schedules news conference, June 13

June 13
Crab licences announced for three multi-species regional plants

June 17
News conference, June 18

June 18
Pilot project on capelin production quotas announced
Quality initiatives for fish products announced

June 28
Funding announced for commercial mussel growers


July 22
Alastair O'Rielly appointed assistant deputy minister for aquaculture
Province opposes use of foreign vessels in northern turbot fishery


August 28
Rose Blanche fish plant sold


September 3
Meeting today on foreign overfishing
Ministers to discuss squid, hake and seal fisheries


October 18
Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture to attend two official functions, October 19


November 19
Members appointed to Professional Fish Harvesters' Certification Board

November 29
CAFID annual review scheduled for Corner Brook


December 4
Fishing industry development annual review

December 5
Northern shrimp announcement to benefit inshore fishery adjacent to resource

December 12
Ministerial Statement - 1997 capelin fishery

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