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CTC — How we’re organized

Organization Chart

CTC Staff Phone List

Marketing and Sales

The CTC’s Marketing Department engages in top-level guidance, planning and research from headquarters, while the Sales Department leads marketing development activities, media and promotion abroad.

Board Affairs

Corporate Affairs & Corporate Secretary  

Communications & Public Relations


Operational Services

Planning & Evaluation

This department develops a cycle integrating all CTC planning, from the strategic and corporate level to marketing, sales and financial. Planning works closely with the marketing team, manages the Strategic Plan, Corporate Plan and Annual Report, and develops performance measures.

Strategy/Canada’s 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games

The Strategy department lead business development and initiatives to leverage Canada’s 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games opportunities. We view the Games as an international calling card inviting the world to visit Canada before, during and for many years after the high-profile event.

Contact the Strategy department.
