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Audit and Evaluation Directorate

Consistent with good management practices, the Audit and Evaluation Directorate carries out the internal audit and evaluation function within Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and reports its activities to the Departmental Audit and Evaluation Committee (DAEC) 8-10 times per year. This committee is co-chaired by the Deputy Minister and the Associate DM and has all Assistant Deputy Ministers and Regional Directors General as members. The Committee considers and approves an annual workplan; approves the terms of reference for individual audits and/or evaluations; approves the reports and, management action plans that are necessary to address recommendations made in the reports.

All evaluation, audit and risk work is performed in accordance with Treasury Board policies and standards. Evaluations concentrate on program relevance, success and cost-effectiveness whereas internal audits focus on program management, efficiency and compliance.

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