Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Capital: Washington


Area 9,629,091 km2
Major languages English, Spanish
Major religious groups Protestant (56%),
Roman Catholic (28%),
Jewish (2%)
Population 299.4 million (2006)
Population growth rate 0.9% (2006)
Surrounding countries Canada, Mexico


Type of government Republic
National legislature Upper chamber: Senate
Lower chamber: House of Representatives; multiparty
Leaders President George W. Bush
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
UN Human Development Index (2006) The United States ranks 8th among 177 countries


GDP $15 trillion (2006)
Real GDP growth rate 3.3% (2006)
GDP per capita $50,176 (2006)
Inflation rate 3.2% (2006)
Unemployment rate 4.6% (2006)
Main exports Machinery, electrical machinery, vehicles, aircraft and spacecraft, optical medical and scientific instrumentation
Main imports Mineral fuel, oil, machinery, electrical machinery, vehicles, optical, medical and scientific instrumentation, precious stones and metals
Canadian imports from the United States $217.6 billion (2006), including motor vehicles, machinery, electrical machinery, plastic, mineral fuel, oil
Canadian exports to the United States $359.3 billion (2006), including mineral oil, fuel motor vehicles, machinery, wood, electrical machinery
Canadian Direct Investment Abroad $223.62 billion (2006) (ranks 1st)
Foreign Direct Investment in Canada $273.65 billion (2006) (ranks 1st)

Canadian Representative
Michael Wilson, Ambassador, The Canadian Embassy, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001-21111, U.S.A.
Phone: (202) 682-1740, Fax: (202) 682-7726,

Sources: IMF WEO April 2007, Statistics Canada, US Commerce, UNDP 2006 Index