Industry Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

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Consumer Information

Where can I make a complaint about a Canadian company?

To begin, consumers may want to contact the company directly with their complaint. Visit the How to Complain Effectively section of the Canadian Consumer Handbook for tips.

To register a formal complaint, please check the following resources:

How can I protect myself from identity theft?

The Consumer Measures Committee provides publications related to identity theft, as well as tips on reducing your risk, answers to frequently asked questions, what to do if it happens to you, and a checklist to help you protect yourself.

I would like to sign up for a no telemarketing / no junk mail list. Where can I find this information?

For information on ways to eliminate or reduce the amount of direct mail and telemarketing received, please visit the Canadian Marketing Association's Do Not Contact Service, or read the tips available in the Telemarketing section of the Canadian Consumer Handbook.