Industry Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

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Radio, Spectrum and Telecommunications

I own an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate. Who do I contact if my address has changed or I need a replacement copy?

You would need to notify the amateur radio service group of Industry Canada of this change. Please check the Amateur Certification — Fact Sheet for the coordinates.

Who do I contact if I need a replacement copy of a Radio Operator Certificate (Aeronautical)?

You would need to contact your nearest Industry Canada Spectrum Management office for assistance. Please direct your enquiries to the Spectrum Management district offices coordinates for your area.

A Radiotelephone Operator's Restricted Certificate (Aeronautical) is required by the operator of radiotelephone equipment on board aircraft and at aeronautical land (fixed and mobile) radio stations using aeronautical mobile frequencies. Please check RIC-21 — Study Guide for the Radiotelephone Operator's Restricted Certificate (Aeronautical) for information on where to apply, candidate requirements, eligibility, and more.

Where can I find information on obtaining a Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime)?

The Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons was given the authority and responsibility by Industry Canada for the issuance of Restricted Operator Certificates (Maritime) to pleasure craft operators.

My neighbour's radio/television equipment is causing interference with my reception. What can I do?

Information on this matter can be found at the Spectrum Management — Solving Interference Problems page.

The "Interference to Public Safety from Pirate Devices — Frequently Asked Questions" page can also be of assistance for interference that affects public safety and search and rescue agencies.

Where can I find information on radiocommunication facilities (antennas and towers) and Industry Canada's procedures for tower location, environmental concerns and community consultation?

Please check the page on Health Canada and Industry Canada FAQ on Radio Frequency Fields.

The Antenna Structures page also contains valuable information.

For further assistance, please contact your nearest Spectrum Management office of Industry Canada.

Where can I find information on radio equipment certification and standards?

The Certification and Engineering Bureau — Frequently Asked Questions page provides information on application procedures, technical requirements/standards, Unique Product Numbers (UPN), fees, and contacts.

I live in a rural northern community and don't have access to broadband. Where can I find information on the Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program?

Please check the Broadband — High-capacity Internet for all Canadian communities — Frequently Asked Questions page for information on how the program works.

Where can I find information on Direct-to-Home satellites?

Please check the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Direct-to-Home (DTH) Satellite Broadcasting page for answers to questions such as:

  • "What is the DTH grey market?";
  • "Am I allowed to import a DTH satellite system from the United States?"; and
  • "What DTH programming is available to Canadians?".

I would like some information on cell phone jamming technology (also known as cell phone silencers) in Canada.

For information on jammers, please visit the Cell Phone Silencer web page.

I am looking for information on available radio callsigns.

Each callsign is unique. To see the availability of callsigns, please visit the available callsign list for broadcasting stations on the Spectrum Management site.

For further assistance, please contact your nearest Spectrum Management office of Industry Canada.

Where can I find information about two-way radios (Family Radio Service Devices)?

For information on Family Radio Service Devices, please visit the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website.

Where can I find a list of radio frequencies used in Canada?

Please check the "Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations". For specific information on allocation to or use by particular organizations, please contact your nearest Industry Canada Spectrum Management office for assistance.

Where can I get information on radiocommunications, telecommunications, spectrum and radio frequencies?

Check the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website for information about: