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Employment Equity and Diversity
Issue no.8: Summer 2007
Issue no.7: Spring 2007
Issue no.6: Winter 2006
Issue no.5: Fall 2006
Issue no.4: Summer 2006
Issue no. 3: Spring 2006
Issue no.2: Winter 2005
Issue no.1: September 2005
Printable Version

Newsletter: September 2005 - Issue no. 1

A Word From Our Champion

Energized, Enabled, Empowered - the theme of NCFPSD Congress 2005 - aptly describes today's NCFPSD and its constituents, federal public servants with disabilities. Since the establishment of the National Committee of Federal Public Servants with Disabilities (NCFPSD), action plans have been developed, bridges have been built and much work has been done. I have had the pleasure of working along with this committee since its very beginning in 2002. Over the past three years I have seen this dedicated group of volunteers work very hard towards ensuring a better workplace for federal public servants with disabilities. What makes this committee unique is its dedication towards not just identifying the challenges, but presenting the solutions and ways of implementing them based on information received directly from those concerned - public servants with disabilities. The resounding success of NCFPSD Congress 2005 held last April is a clear indication that positive change is on the horizon.

The Committee has gained much support from Deputy Ministers and managers across the public service. It has also gained much support from the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency, but, most important, it has gained support from public servants with disabilities and this in itself says that yes, this time we will get things done!

Michael Wernick, NCFPSD Champion
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Plans and Consultation) Privy Council Office

Message From The Co-Chairs

The National Council Of Federal Employees With Disabilities (NCFPSD) has a vision - where federal public servants with disabilities in work environments from coast to coast are consistently treated as the valuable contributors that they are to the efforts of the Government of Canada.

Easy access to appropriate accommodations is only the most obvious component of inclusiveness for employees with disabilities. Our vision also focuses on subtler and more profound changes to the corporate culture of federal departments and agencies. The work environment is much more than a workplace. As the workplace must be accessible, so too must be the work environment, which includes the rapport of our constituents with co-workers, supervisors, line managers and senior managers.

The NCFPSD is made up of federal public servants with disabilities who have been elected by federal public servants with disabilities. The NCFPSD Board members, like you, experience life with a disability every day. In addition, consultations that took place at Forum 2002 and Congress 2005 have reinforced our understanding of the great diversity in disability issues and their impact on employment equity in the Public Service of Canada - across the country.

As NCFPSD Co-Chairs, our job is to provide leadership on a wide variety of fronts. The NCFPSD's work, as you can imagine, is really a major team effort! All the NCFPSD Board members work very hard on various issues and in different regions and receive practical support from federal public servants just like you! This newsletter is one of the ways that we will be reaching out to you. We invite you to get a sense of the issues by visiting our website as well ( and to contact NCFPSD Board members with your practical ideas on how to advance the priorities that have been set out by federal public servants with disabilities.

Above all, the NCFPSD needs your support. Talk about us with work colleagues. Become a member to receive newsletters and updates. Plan to attend our next conference in 2008! All of us at the NCFPSD would love to hear from you. We are there for YOU!

Carole Willans-Théberge, NCFPSD NCR Co-Chair
Max L. Brault, NCFPSD Interim Co-Chair


What is the NCFPSD?


On May 2, 2003 the new National Committee of Federal Public Servants with Disabilities (NCFPSD) was established. This is one of the first recommendations to be met in respect of the Report and Key Recommendations resulting from the June 18, 2002 Interdepartmental Forum of Persons with disabilities: A Dialogue for Action. 


The National Committee of Federal Public Servants with Disabilities (NCFPSD) will promote awareness, represent, and advance the needs of federal public servants with both visible and invisible disabilities in the Public Service of Canada, in areas including but not limited to those of recruitment, retention, accommodation, accessibility, training and development, career progression, succession planning, promotion and advancement, workplace barriers, and respectful, welcoming, and inclusive workplace environments, and provide information, advice, analysis, and recommendations on those needs and the actions required to address them to senior federal Public Service management.


Executive Board Members

The NCFPSD is comprised of nine Executive Committee Members and a variable number of Associate Committee Members. Three elected Executive Members are from the National Capital Region and six are from the regions: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies, British Columbia and The North. The position of representative for The North is currently vacant. All members of the Executive Board must be federal public servants with disabilities.

Max Brault
Ottawa ON
NCR Representative - Interim Co-Chair
Tel: 613-990-0044
Fax: 613-998-9480

Kevin Bruff
St. John's NL
Atlantic Representative
Tel: 709-772-5978
Fax: 709-772-4390 

Golda César
Cowansville QC
Québec Regional Representative
Tel: 450-263-3073  Ext. 2428
Fax: 450-260-1796

Rachelle Halpenny**
Ottawa, ON
NCR Representative
Tel: 613-954-6979
Fax: 613-952-0952 

Marlene Hoce
Regina SK
Prairie Representative
Tel: 306-780-8090
Fax: 306-780-6926

Catherine Scott
Chatham ON
Ontario Regional Representative
Tel: 613-233-1842 

Duane Simpson
Victoria BC
B.C. Regional Representative
Tel: 250-363-5440
Fax: 250-363-7980 

Carole Willans-Théberge
Ottawa ON
NCR Representative - NCR Co-Chair
Tel: 613-957-9606
Fax: 613-941-4165

** Rachelle Halpenny resigned on October 5, 2005 due to extended sick leave. The replacement will be announced in the next issue.


Committees and Sub-Committees

A new Board was elected earlier this year and all the existing Committees and Sub-Committees will be reviewed during the first Executive Board meeting in October. Stay tuned for more information in the next issue.

Congress 2005 - Energized, Enabled, Empowered -

Approximately 350 federal public servants with disabilities met in Ottawa in April 2005, for a two-day forum, followed by a day-long session for about 250 federal public service managers. The objectives of the Congress were to adopt an action plan for the upcoming year, share issues and solutions, present the new national executive committee, and work with managers on the duty to accommodate and the federal government's progress towards becoming an employer of choice. Throughout the three-day event many issues were raised and many solutions were offered. These consultations, feedback, discussions and information-sharing will help the National Council Of Federal Employees With Disabilities focus its efforts over the next three years. Federal public servants with disabilities can look forward to the NCFPSD's future progress and success. For more information, see the full Congress 2005 report on our website.


Report on NCFPSD Activities

The last few months were dedicated to finalizing Congress 2005 from the financial accounting perspective, as well as the compiling of all feedback information resulting from the various consultative activities. All the reports will be posted on the web site shortly. An Action Plan for the next three years is being developed, a Communications Plan is being finalized and a Business Case has been prepared to help secure long term funding.


NCFPSD Membership

We would like to invite you to become part of our national network of people working together for a Public Service that is inclusive of all Canadians, including persons with disabilities. There is no membership fee…it is free.

As a member, you will receive the quarterly newsletter, notice of web site updates and advance notice and personal invitation to the next big NCFPSD event in 2008. In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in various surveys and to provide input on important issues.

Who can join? Any person who supports the NCFPSD and its efforts on behalf of federal public servants with disabilities.

How to join? Download the form (Word format). Complete the registration form and send it by e-mail at , by fax at (613)948-2236 or by mail at the following address:

National Council Of Federal Employees With Disabilities
360 Albert Street
14th Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0H8


National News

Upcoming event: December 3 - International Day of Disabled Persons. Every year, the United Nations organization is announcing a theme. The theme this year is 'Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Action in Development" and it aims to highlight the interdependence between the rights of persons with disabilities and development. Ensuring the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities and the enjoyment of their fundamental rights and freedoms on equal basis with others is essential for achieving the goals of development. For more information on the United Nations, visit .

In the NCR, an event organized by Justice Canada and the NCFPSD will take place on December 2 to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. It will be held at the Crowne Plaza Ottawa Hotel, Joliet room, located at 101 Lyon Street, from 11:45am to 2:00pm. A light lunch and beverages will be served. There is no cost but space is limited, so if you are interested in attending, or if you want more information, please contact Tidjani Djalal, Regional Employment Equity Coordinator at (613) 941-1859 or by e-mail at  before November 25. Remember to mention any special needs when you register.


Regional News

NCR Regional News

The NCR Co-Chair, Carole Willans-Théberge, was pleased to speak on the first day of the Aboriginal National Network Initiative (ANNI) Retreat which took place in Strathmere, September 7, 2005. Wally Boxhill, the Director of Policy, Planning and Reporting at PSHRMAC said in an email immediately following the meeting: "Your contributions were very much appreciated and your responses to questions from participants helped set the stage for the very productive two days that followed." It is just a terrific feeling to be able to assist other employment equity groups! The three NCR representatives, Max L. Brault, Rachelle Halpenny and Carole Willans-Théberge, have started planning for the first NCR town hall meeting of constituents. Interested and want to make sure you don't miss it? Send an email to any of the three to let them know.


Web Site Corner

You want to know more about codes of practice and standards concerning the level of accessibility in modes of transport under federal jurisdiction, such as air, rail, and marine, visit


PSHRMAC News and Activities

PSHRMAC continues to work closely with the NCFPSD to ensure that the federal Public Service is more welcoming of diversity, particularly as this pertains to persons with disabilities. Through regular meetings and updates, PSHRMAC shares information with the NCFPSD, continuing a process initiated in 2003. PSHRMAC was a major sponsor and supporter of Congress 2005 and uses its interface with the NCFPSD to remain aware of progress on the organization's work program and 5-year strategy, as well as areas for more aggressive action.

PSHRMAC is revising the Treasury Board employment equity policy suite. A Diversity Policy, accompanied by Directives on Employment Equity and the Duty to Accommodate, will replace the policies on Employment Equity and the Duty to Accommodate Persons with Disabilities. The new policy and directives will more clearly describe the results expected from departments and the consequences of non-compliance. PSHRMAC will continue its practice of consulting with the NCFPSD and other stakeholder groups as it develops the diversity policy and associated directives.


Departmental News

Objective Eye: Be part of the selection board

An Interactive Selection Board Inventory has been created within the Public Service. It was inspired by the 'Embracing Change in the Federal Public Service" report. This project is oriented to all members of designated groups for employment equity purposes, including persons with disabilities. The inventory contains the names of potential selection board members for all employment equity groups who share the federal government's commitment to achieving a workforce that is fully representative of the Canadian labour force. Are you interested in becoming a selection board member? Visit or contact Fran Doyle at (613)747-8627.

We invite departmental representatives to send us information of interest to persons with disabilities such as new initiatives, programs, best practices, etc. Send an e-mail to the Editor in Chief at


Other News

Public Service Employee Survey 2005

The 2005 Public Service Employee Survey will occur between November 2 and December 2, 2005, using paper questionnaires only and alternative formats. Although the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada had worked closely with Statistics Canada towards the development of an electronically conducted survey, Statistics Canada has concluded that conducting electronic data reporting across the federal Public Service would not be possible at this time due to technical difficulties. The survey will be accessible to federal public servants with disabilities: the questionnaire is available in the following alternate formats: Braille, voice synthesizers, large print and audio-cassettes.

The National Council Of Federal Employees With Disabilities encourages its constituents to complete the questionnaire. Please report any accessibility-related difficulties in completing the questionnaire to the NCFPSD or contact the Survey information line 1-866-558-2947/ TTY 1-800-465-7735. You may find more information about the PSES 2005 at the following address: