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 Parliament of Canada
Elections and Ridings Section
Federal Election Trivia Elections

What is the most popular season to hold a federal general election in Canada?

Canadians have gone to the polls most often in the fall; 13 fall elections have been held since 1867, 12 elections have been held in summer, 9 in the spring and only 5 have been held in winter.

What was the highest voter turnout for federal general elections between 1867 and 2006?

March 31, 1958 - 79.4% of the electorate voted.

Which province had the highest voter turnout for federal general elections between 1867 and 2004?

Yukon - March 31, 1958 - 90% of the electorate voted.

Prince Edward Island - June 18, 1962 - 90% of the electorate voted.

What was the lowest voter turnout for federal general elections between 1867 and 2004?

June 28, 2004 - 60.9% of the electorate voted.

Which province had the lowest voter turnout for federal general elections between 1867 and 2006?

Manitoba - June 20, 1882 - 32% of the electorate voted.

How long is an election campaign?

An election campaign is at least 36 days.

What was the shortest election campaign and when was it held?

The January 22, 1874 general election campaign lasted only 20 days.

What was the longest election campaign and when was it held?

The September 14, 1926 election campaign was 74 days long.

How many electors were on the August 7 - September 20, 1867 general election lists and how many voted as compared to the January 23, 2006 general election?

There were 361,028 electors on the August 7 - September 20, 1867 general election lists.  268,387 ballots were cast, for a turnout of  73.1%

The January 23, 2006 general election list had 23,054,615 electors of which 14,908,703 voted, for a turnout of 64.7%

What is the voting age and the minimum age to run as a candidate in federal elections, and have they always been the same?

To vote and to run as a candidate in federal election one must be 18 years old. Previous to the 1970 Canada Elections Act revision, the voting age and minimum age to run as a candidate in a federal election was 21 years old.


© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15