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 Parliament of Canada
Elections and Ridings Section
Federal Election Trivia Majority and Minority Governments

What is the average duration of a majority government in Canada?

The average duration of a majority government in Canada is 4 years and 1 day.

When was the longest majority government?

The longest majority government lasted 2191 days (5 years, 11 months and 29 days). It occurred during the 12th Parliament: the writs were returned on October 7, 1911 and Parliament was dissolved October 6, 1917.

When was the shortest majority government?

The shortest majority government lasted 447 days (1 year, 2 months and 21 days). It occurred during the 2nd Parliament: the writs were returned on September 3, 1872 and October 12, 1872 and Parliament was dissolved January 2, 1874.

What is the largest government majority?

The March 31, 1958 general election brought in a Progressive Conservative government claiming 208 seats of a total of 265 seats, giving the Progressive Conservatives a majority of 151 seats.

What is the smallest government majority?

Two general elections gave Canada a government with a majority of 5 seats:

The September 14, 1926 election saw the Liberal/Liberal Progressive government claim 125 seats of a total of 245 seats.

The June 11, 1945 election also saw the Liberals claim 125 seats of a total of 245 seats.

What is the average duration of a minority government in Canada

The average duration of a minority government in Canada is 1 year, 5 months and 22 days.

When was the longest minority government?

The longest minority government lasted 1329 days (3 years, 7 months, and 21 days). It occurred during the 14th Parliament: the writs were returned on January 15, 1922 and Parliament was dissolved September 5, 1925.

When was the shortest minority government?

The shortest minority government lasted 177 days (5 months and 24 days). It occurred during the 23rd Parliament: the writs were returned on August 8, 1957 and Parliament was dissolved February 1, 1958.

What is the largest government minority?

The January 23, 2006 general election saw the Conservatives win with only 124 seats of the 308 seats available. They governed with a minority of 60 seats.

What is the smallest government minority?

Two general elections gave Canada a government with a minority of only 3 seats:

On December 6, 1921 the Liberal government won 116 seats and the opposition claimed the other 119 seats.

On November 8, 1965 the Liberal government won 131 seats and the opposition claimed the other 134 seats.


© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15