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 Parliament of Canada
Elections and Ridings Section
Federal Election Trivia Parliaments

What was the longest period between the dissolution of one Parliament and the opening of the next?

The 4th Parliament was dissolved May 18, 1882 and the 5th Parliament opened February 8, 1883, for a total period of 266 days.

What was the longest session in Parliament since 1867?

The 32nd Parliament, 1st Session, running from April 14, 1980 to November 30, 1983 was the longest session. It lasted 1326 days: 591 sitting days for the House of Commons and 329 sitting days for the Senate.

What was the shortest session in Parliament since 1867?

The 18th Parliament, 6th Session was only 1 day long and was held on January 25, 1940 at which date both the House of Commons and the Senate sat.


© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15