Family Viewing

The photographs of Jaret Belliveau

By Sean Flinn
July 12, 2006
Plains of Abraham, Quebec City, Quebec (C Print, 2005).
Plains of Abraham, Quebec City, Quebec (C Print, 2005).

At home in Moncton, David says, he loves to “longboard, skateboard, listen to rock ’n’ roll and jam.” He plays bass guitar. He also writes poetry, some of which will accompany his older brother’s photographs in Expect Delays. “I started the year before last. My writing’s kind of all over the place,” he says sheepishly. “The exploration of Canada really opened my mind.” Then 15, David rode shotgun while Jaret, 25, drove. They talked about everything along the way, as people do during long car rides. Jaret says he photographed his brother at “important places for David and I to contemplate our Canadian identity.” But, he adds, he didn't direct David “to interact with the space in any way. I let him interact with the space as he saw fit.”

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The photographs of Jaret Belliveau