Alberta's New Royalty Framework

New Royalty FrameworkOn October 25th, Premier Ed Stelmach announced Alberta's New Royalty Framework.

Technical Information for webcast

Formulas and Charts of  Royalty Rates and Curves

A team led by Alberta Energy will consult with industry participants on implementation details for Alberta’s new royalty framework.

The team will be in place on November 15th and consultation will begin shortly thereafter through CAPP and SEPAC.

If you have questions regarding implementation details, please e-mail us at, and we will ensure that your questions are addressed as part of the implementation discussions.

Please indicate Implementation Question in the subject line of the e-mail.


Premier Stelmach announced "Alberta's New Royalty Framework"  

Questions and answers about the New Royalty Framework

If you have questions or comments regarding the framework visit us online or call 310-4455. 

Royalty Information Series

The Government of Alberta tasked an independent, expert Royalty Review Panel to examine the province's energy royalties and tax regime. The panel was asked to focus on all aspects of the royalty system, including oil sands, conventional oil and gas, and coalbed methane.  Their report was released on September 18th.

The Department of Energy has developed the following information sheets to provide background to Albertans interested in the review process.


What are royalties?

Freehold Mineral Tax

Conventional Oil and Natural Gas Royalty Programs


What is fair share?

Bonuses and Land Rental Fees


Royalties- History and Description

Corporate Income Tax


Department of Energy Technical Reports

Alberta Energy has also prepared or commissioned a number of technical reports describing various aspects of Alberta's royalty systems.