
The mission of the department is to support economic development, innovation and export trade, as well as research, particularly by encouraging coordinated and concerted action among the various players in the economic, scientific, social and cultural areas in order to promote job creation, economic prosperity, scientific development and sustainable development.
The department's mission is embodied principally in the following areas of activity:

  • conception of orientations and strategies affecting economic development, innovation and export trade;
  • offer of consulting services in its fields of expertise, both to clients and to partners, and the realization of studies and analyses supporting these services;
  • development and implementation, directly or through partners, of measures and programs in its fields of activity;
  • promotion, abroad among investors, of Québec's image and advantages;
  • collaboration with and mobilization of its public and private partners.

In addition to the statute concerning the functions of the office, the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade is responsible for a number of statutes and regulations, as well as tax measures, that empower the department to work toward fulfilling its mission. In addition, the ministerial portfolio includes the following government corporations, organizations and funding agencies: Investissement Québec, the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour, the Société générale de financement, the Société Innovatech Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches, the Société Innovatech du sud du Québec, the Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec, the Coopérative régionale d'électricité de Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Rouville, the Conseil de la science et de la technologie, the Fonds de recherche en santé du Québec, the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies and the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture. Each of the organizations mentioned files its own annual report.