

Raymond Bachand, minister

Raymond Bachand
Minister of Economic Development,
Innovation and Export Trade
Minister of Tourism
Minister responsible for the Montréal region
Chair of the Comité ministériel de la prospérité économique et du développement durable

MNA for Outremont
Liberal Party of Québec

Born in Montréal on October 22, 1947
Married to Micheline Brazeau and father of Thomas, Marie-Hélène and Stéphanie


Doctoral degree in Administration (DBA), Harvard Business School (1981)
Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA), Harvard Business School (1972)
Member, Québec Bar (1970)
Law Degree (LLL), Université de Montréal (1969)

Professional experience

  • Partner and chair of the board of directors, Secor Conseil (June to December 2005)
  • Partner and CEO, Secor Conseil (2002-2005)
  • CEO, Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (FTQ) (1997-2001)
  • MBA of the Year Award, Québec MBA Association (November 20, 1997)
  • First vice-president, Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (FTQ) (1994-1997)
  • Strategy consultant, Groupe Secor (1993-1994)
  • Vice-president, Culinar (1990-1993)
  • Vice-president for planning and development, Métro-Richelieu (1981-1989)
  • Special assistant to the Premier of Québec (1979-1981)
  • Chief of staff for the Minister of Labour and Manpower of Québec (1977-1979)
  • Lecturer and assistant professor, École des hautes études commerciales, Montréal (1972-1977)

Community and political activities

  • Director, and member of the operations committee, La Survivance, Mutual Life Assurance Company (2005)
  • Director, Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montréal (2004 to December 2005)
  • Director, Chamber of Commerce France-Canada in Paris (2004 to December 2005)
  • Director, French Chamber of Commerce in Canada (2004 to December 2005)
  • Director, National Theatre School of Canada (2004 to December 2005)
  • Director, Montréal Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund (2003 to December 2005)
  • Director, Jules et Paul-Émile Léger Foundation (2003 to December 2005)
  • Director, and member of the audit committee, Canadian Public Accountability Board (2003 to December 2005)
  • Director, Le Devoir (2002 to December 2005)
  • Head of the advisory group that drew up Montréal's first cultural policy (2002-2003)
  • Chair, fundraising campaign and chair, board of governors, Fondation du maire de Montréal pour la jeunesse (2000-2001)
  • Director, Centraide of Greater Montréal (2000-2001)
  • Dimensions Award, Ordre des administrateurs agréés Awards Night (May 12, 2000)
  • Co-chair, employment workshop, Sommet du Québec et de la jeunesse (2000)
  • Founding chair, finance committee, Académie québécoise du théâtre (1999-2004)
  • Vice-president, fundraising campaign, Charles-Bruneau Foundation (1999-2002)
  • Co-chair, board of directors, Foundation for Tolerance (1998 to December 2005)
  • Chair, board of directors, Carbone 14 (Usine C) (1996 to December 2005)
  • Director, Fonds de la culture et des communications (1996-2001)
  • Director, SSQ-Vie (1995-2002)
  • Vice-chair (1988-1989) and chair (1989-1990), board of directors, Québec MBA Association
  • Director, Regional Association for the Recreation of Disabled Persons of the Island of Montréal (AlterGo) (1988-1991); president, Défi Sportif (1988-1990)
  • Director (1984-1990), member of the executive committee (1987-1990) and member, then chair, of the pension committee (1985-1990), Gaz Métropolitain
  • Director (1983-2001), member of the executive committee (1987-2001) and chair of the audit committee (1988-1994), Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (FTQ)
  • Founding member and director (1982-1989) and chair (1982-1985), Fleur de Papier day care centre
  • Chair, board of directors, Institut national de productivité (1982-1986)
  • Founding member and director (1973-1977) and vice-president (1976-1977), Oxfam Québec

Political, parliamentary and ministerial functions

Elected as Member for Outremont in the by-election held on December 12, 2005

  • Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, February 27, 2006 to April 18, 2007
  • Member, Comité des priorités, February 27, 2006 to April 18, 2007
  • Member, Comité ministériel de la prospérité économique et du développement durable, February 27, 2006 to April 18, 2007
  • Member, Comité ministériel à la décentralisation et aux régions, March 7, 2006 to April 18, 2007

Reelected as Member for Outremont in the general election held on March 26, 2007

  • Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade since April 18, 2007
  • Minister of Tourism since April 18, 2007
  • Minister responsible for the Montréal region since April 18, 2007
  • Chair of the Comité ministériel de la prospérité économique et du développement durable since April 18, 2007
  • Member, Comité des priorités since April 18, 2007
  • Member, Comité ministériel au développement des régions since April 18, 2007

Contact Information

You can reach the Minister at one of the following addresses:

710, place D'Youville, 6e étage
Québec (Québec)  G1R 4Y4
Telephone: (418) 691-5650
Fax: (418) 643-8553 
E-mail: ministre.cabinet(at)

380, rue Saint-Antoine, 5e étage
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 3X7
Telephone: (514) 499-2552
Fax: (514) 873-1788
E-mail: ministre.cabinet(at)

Electoral Division
5450, la Côte-des-Neiges
Bureau 115
Montréal (Québec)
Telephone : (514) 482-0199
Fax : (514) 482-9985
E-mail: rbachand(at)