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Green Home Programs

Yukon Housing Corporation offers a wide range of programs and funding options all designed to enhance home energy efficiency, increase affordability over the long term and reduce negative environmental impacts. Going green also enhances comfort levels and adds to the overall value of the home.

Please examine the information below to better understand the programs Yukon Housing Corporation offers for existing home owners and also programs designed for those wanting to build a new home to green standards.

Building a Green Home

The Yukon Housing Corporation’s (YHC) GreenHome Certification Program provides homeowners, builders and future owners many benefits.  Certified GreenHomes have lower energy costs than traditionally constructed homes. Promoting GreenHome construction also benefits the environment as these homes produce less green house gas emissions. GreenHomes offer a healthy living environment free of drafts and a verified performance of the ventilation system. GreenHomes also benefit the Yukon housing industry by promoting the use of Yukon products and services.
Learn more about Yukon Housing lending programs ( 215KB)

Home Repair Enhancement Program

Yukon Housing Corporation also offers a funding program for homeowners to retrofit their homes to be more energy efficient, comfortable and environmentally friendly.
Learn more about the Home Repair Enhancement Program ( 254KB)

Home Repair Program
Low interest rate loan

This program provides homeowners with an opportunity to borrow up to $35,000 to repair their principal residence. A technical officer will assess your home and provide you with a comprehensive list of eligible repair/upgrade options. Loans under this program are amortized up to 12 years at a reduced interest rate.

Home Repair Enhancement Program
When your repair project exceeds $35,000

This program may be available when the scope of work and cost for a repair project exceed the limits set under the Home Repair Program. The interest rate on the Home Repair Enhancement Program loan is set at a higher rate than the Home Repair Program loan.

EnerGuide for Houses Program
Residential energy audit evaluation

Certified ‘EnerGuide for Houses’ advisors provide practical technical information regarding your home to help you decide on building or repairing with energy upgrade options. 

Yukon Housing Corporation Industry Partnering Programs

Yukon Housing Corporation works with others in the Yukon housing sector to find new opportunities for helping home owners and landlords to build, upgrade and maintain safe, efficient and comfortable housing.
Successful industry partnering depends on dialogue with, and input from, industry proponents. That dialogue may occur as a result of a request for assistance with defined projects from housing providers, or may begin through identification of specific housing needs in the marketplace. The identification of need could be for housing itself or may be for other needs, such as training to help industry maintain its leading edge in the use of northern housing technologies. Whatever the need, Yukon Housing Corporation is a great resource, and a willing source of support.
Learn more about our Industry Partners Program ( 180KB)

Application Forms

Home Ownership and Repair Programs Application Form ( 171KB)
Verification of Income Form  ( 23KB)



Contact Us:

410H Jarvis Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2H5
Phone: (867) 667-5759
Fax: (867) 667-3664
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5759

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