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Tranquility, easy access and safety are yours on Anticosti Island. You will love doing the activity you’ve been dreaming of for so long. Find out now about the three possibilities that will make your fishing trip an unforgettable adventure.
Fishing licences
Salmon Fishing brochure (1000 ko)
Access map
Air transportation
European Plan (excluding meals)
American Plan

Indigenous Speckled Trout Fishing on 5 different lakes
(5-night package)

Starting in early June, a total of 12 anglers share the lakes of Anticosti for the pleasure of teasing indigenous speckled trout. The package includes air transportation from Mont-Joli, a comfortable cabin, seaside decor, several lakes and a vehicle. Each group of 4 people can take advantage of a very comfortable cabin and everything needed for meal preparation.

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Salmon and Trout Fishing on Rivière à la Loutre
(7-night package)

Why not double your pleasure by combining lake fishing with salmon fishing? A very large cabin with 6 bedrooms can accommodate a group of 6 to 12 people. Every day, while 6 anglers go enjoy the fishing holes of Rivière à la Loutre, 6 others can go after speckled trout on the lakes. Air and land transportation are included in the package.

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Atlantic Salmon Fishing on the Jupiter River
(5 or 6 night package)

There’s no other river like the Jupiter… any salmon fan who has fished in this little paradise will tell you the same thing. The purity and transparency of its emerald-coloured waters make it the most beautiful salmon river on the planet! They will also tell you about the beauty of the surrounding scenery and the sense of safety one feels along its 40 kilometres. Eight anglers have daily access to different fishing holes on the river. The spacious Jupiter-12 Lodge and its personalized service add something unique to your experience.

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