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With its picturesque history, extremely interesting geography, a wealth of land and marine mammals and a sub-boreal climate, Anticosti Island invites you to discover its many attractions.

On this immense territory, two establishments under the same management welcome you - Sépaq Anticosti and Parc national d’Anticosti. No matter what kind of accommodations, package or activities you choose, passionate and dedicated employees will be there to serve you.
Our vacation packages!
Vacation Guide (pdf : 596 ko)
Access map
Air transportation

Discovery Activities

When the time comes to choose a vacation destination, accommodation is an important element in the decision.

Over the years, Sépaq Anticosti has taken great care in improving its accommodations choices.

All this has been done, of course, while conserving the originality of the buildings and the quality of the surrounding nature.

Our choice of accommodations

Our experienced staff offers vacation packages that have been appreciated over the years and which are based on a long tradition of quality service. A simple recipe!

It only takes one telephone call to reserve your package, including the flight, accommodations, and vehicle.

Our packages

The creation of Parc national d’Anticosti has led to a number of new features, such as hiking and discovery trails, among others.

Anticosti Island lends itself perfectly to ecotourism activities and adventure tourism. You will be totally satisfied by the combination of an environment that is totally unique in the world, the abundance of nature and easily observable wildlife.

Our activities

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