Media Releases

September 9, 2008

New Conservative attack crosses the line

OTTAWA - The Conservative Party today released a website with a puffin defecating on Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion.

The Liberal campaign will fight Conservative smears with facts.

This personal smear will backfire on Stephen Harper.

This is exactly what Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion said when questioned about these inappropriate attacks this morning:

Question: “At the same time you're putting out this website for people to get to know you, the Tories have updated their website with a bird flying across and defecating on your head and shoulder. What do you make of that?”

Stéphane Dion: “This is saying more about them than about us... because I know that most Conservative voters will disagree with that and that may change their vote.”

It’s time to debate policy and not engage in personal smears. Does Stephen Harper endorse that attack?

A screenshot of the Conservative website is available here.