Media Releases

September 10, 2008

Conservatives’ Atlantic campaign in shambles – Halifax candidate dropped after criminal record comes to light

HALIFAX—The confusion in the Conservatives’ Atlantic campaign is boiling to the surface with candidate troubles in both Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

In Nova Scotia, the Conservatives lost a candidate yesterday in the riding of Halifax only two days after she was appointed. Former Conservative candidate Rosamond Luke resigned yesterday, throwing yet another wrench in a Nova Scotia Conservative campaign that has been plagued with problems attracting candidates.

In a statement, Ms. Luke claimed she had resigned because of unforeseen work commitments. However media reports later revealed that Ms. Luke had a criminal record for uttering threats and breach of undertaking.

The Conservatives’ failure to vet their candidate isn’t the only sign of chaos in their Atlantic campaign. The party has been forced to appoint candidates in four Nova Scotia ridings where their local campaigns failed to find one.

In Cumberland Colchester, the Conservatives were forced to parachute in party staffer and former New Brunswick MLA Joel Bernard as their candidate against the wishes of the local riding association which continues to support Bill Casey, who was ousted from the Conservative caucus last spring.

Likewise, in Newfoundland, Conservative candidate for St.John’s East Craig Westcott is in hot water with the party and has had to quickly backpedal on a long string of attacks he has made on Prime Minister Stephen Harper, of whom he referred to as a “control freak” surrounded by “toadies.”

Here are further examples of what Mr. Westcott has said about his party’s leader:

“I think Stephen Harper and Danny Williams are really twins who are separated at birth ... they're both control freaks”

“Both of them hate the media. Harper even had the press evicted from a hotel in P.E.I. where his Conservative caucus was meeting. As someone remarked to me afterwards, ‘that's Communism, isn't it?'”

“Both men, too, like to surround themselves with toadies who compete to stroke their massive egos.”
(CBC Radio, August 2007)

“He has reneged on that promise and (Premier Danny) Williams has the evidence of the lie clasped firmly in his fist,”
(The Business Post, March 26, 2007)