Media Releases

September 10, 2008

NDP tricks laid-off millworkers to attend rally

THUNDER BAY, Ontario - In a shameful, manipulative and politically crass move, the NDP yesterday exploited local unemployed mill workers by busing them to a Jack Layton town hall meeting under the pretext that it was a union meeting to deal with their jobs and benefits for their families.

The Canadian Energy and Paperworkers Union emailed its members advising them of a 6 p.m. gathering in Thunder Bay, but made no mention that it was a political rally, said several workers.

“I got an email from the union stating that it concerned our severance and (employment insurance) and I thought it was maybe some training issues,” said one former sawmill worker as he sipped a coffee and gawked at the lights and television cameras. At least four others confirmed the same story. (CP story, September 9, 2008 21:09)

Jack Layton has proven in the first few days that he will say and do anything to get votes. Canadians will not be fooled.