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Press Releases, Speeches and Articles, Statements
Fri 12 Sep 2008
Honouring the Atlantic Accord
Stephen Harper’s raw deal for Newfoundland & Labrador

Fri 12 Sep 2008
Layton will stop hidden fees and price-gouging
Practical plan to help make life more affordable for ordinary consumers

Thu 11 Sep 2008
Dion Liberal can’t say whether carbon tax money will be spent on environment

Thu 11 Sep 2008
Statement by Hon. Jack Layton on the 7th anniversary of the September 11th attacks

Thu 11 Sep 2008
Layton spells out better environmental plan
Practical, mainstream, step-by-step plan to address environmental crisis

Wed 10 Sep 2008
Layton announces plan to stop manufacturing sector sell-out
Prudent, step-by-step plan aims to create 40,000 manufacturing jobs

Tue 9 Sep 2008
Harper’s wrong on jobs: Layton
New Democrat campaign targets northern Ontario ridings

Mon 8 Sep 2008
It’s time for a Prime Minister who’ll respect your vote

Mon 8 Sep 2008
New Democrats to off-set all carbon emissions from leader’s tour
Carbon off-sets demonstrate how Layton puts the environment first

Mon 8 Sep 2008
Harper wrong to fast-track tar sands development
“Time for a Prime Minister you can trust to protect the environment.”

Sun 7 Sep 2008
Layton launches campaign in Harper’s riding
“Mr. Harper does not deserve to be re-elected.”

Sun 7 Sep 2008
Jack Layton's opening speech - It's time to choose change

Sun 7 Sep 2008
FACT CHECK: Gilles Duceppe can’t stop Harper

Sun 7 Sep 2008
Statement from NDP leader Jack Layton following the death of a Canadian soldier

Sun 7 Sep 2008
FACT CHECK: Stephen Harper Campaign Launch

Sun 7 Sep 2008
‘It’s time for a Prime Minister for you and your family’: Layton

Sat 6 Sep 2008
NDP defends Canadian arts and culture from Conservative attacks

Fri 5 Sep 2008
Stephen Harper: How to spend $6 billion in seven days

Wed 3 Sep 2008
Statement from NDP leader Jack Layton following the death of Canadian soldiers

Wed 3 Sep 2008
Layton pledges $76.3 million for Hamilton transit
“Time to increase investments in transit, not costs.” – NDP leader

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