Northern Petroleum Resources

What's New

September 19, 2013
Results of the 2012-2013 Calls for Bids for the following regions:
Arctic Islands of Nunavut
Central Mackenzie Valley

September 2013
Benefits Plan Guidelines for the North.

August 28, 2013
2013-2014 Call for Nominations launched in the Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie Delta. (View the bulletin)

August 27, 2013
New Mobile-Friendly AANDC Web Site. Learn more about the changes to our Web site.

More highlights...

Oil and gas exploration and development are key to Canada's economic well-being. One quarter of Canada's discovered resources of conventional petroleum are in the North and remain undeveloped, as well as about one third of the country's estimated potential.

AANDC works in partnership with Northern and Aboriginal governments and people to:

  • govern the allocation of Crown lands to the private sector for oil and gas exploration;
  • develop the regulatory environment;
  • set and collect royalties; and
  • approve benefit plans before development takes place in a given area.

Benefit plans define oil and gas operators' policies and activities to maximize employment and training prospects for Northerners.  The plans also ensure that Northern businesses have opportunities to supply goods and services on a competitive basis.

What Information is Available?

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