Service Estates

General information

The Minister of National Defence, in Ministerial Order MCU2000-03830 of 3 August 2000, appointed the Judge Advocate General (JAG) as Director of Estates. On behalf of the JAG, the Estates and Elections Section of the Directorate of Law/Compensation, Benefits, Pensions & Estates carries out the administration and disbursement of military Service Estate entitlements in relation to Canadian Armed Forces members who die while serving full time in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). This entails coordinating with unit level personnel, JAG field offices, the deceased’s executor or estate administrator, family members and private sector legal counsel to ensure that any legal complications are resolved prior to authorizing the release of personal effects and disbursement of the Service Estate monetary entitlements.

The Service Estate is comprised of three main components:

  • severance pay entitlement (if applicable);
  • service pay and allowances; and
  • personal effects in the care and custody of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Important administrative details

Designated Assistants should inform the CAF Service Estates Coordinator by e-mail or telephone, when they have been assigned to a specific casualty case and, at the same time, provide their telephone and fax number.

Committee of Adjustment (COA) Presidents should also advise the CAF Service Estates Manager, by e-mail or telephone, when they have been assigned to a specific casualty case and, at the same time, provide their telephone and fax numbers.

Note: Important step

Before any of the deceased’s personal effects are released, authority must be obtained from the Director of Estates through the CAF Service Estates Manager.

Relevant Legislation & Directives

Section 42 of the National Defence Act (NDA):

Section 43 of the NDA (and Chapter 26.20 of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces (QR&O)):

QR&O, Chapter 21.41:

QR&O, Chapter 25:

Defence Administrative Orders & Directives (DAOD) 7011 Series – Service Estates & Personal Belongings:

Defence Administrative Orders & Directives (DAOD) 7012 Series – Wills:

Points of Contact:

CAF Service Estates Manager

Office of the Judge Advocate General / Director of Estates
National Defence Headquarters
Constitution Building
305 Rideau Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2

Attention: CAF Service Estates Manager

Telephone: (613) 992-0073
Fax: (613) 995-3155

CAF Service Estates Coordinator

Office of the Judge Advocate General / Director of Estates
National Defence Headquarters
Constitution Building
305 Rideau Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2

Attention: CAF Service Estates Coordinator

Telephone: (613) 992-1010
Fax: (613) 995-3155