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Current Year Interdepartmental Settlements Corrections

What's New | Introduction | Overview | Definitions
Initiation | Departments | Processing | Disputes
Questioning | Exceptions | Year End | Corrections
Coordinators | Presentations | Related Links

When two departments are processing IS transactions using the Standard Payment System (SPS) errors may occur. The corrective action to be applied will depend on the type of error.

Correction of IS transactions is governed by rules established by Treasury Board. Further information is available under the Interdepartmental Settlements Policy document. Correction of IS transactions is restricted to the fiscal year in which they are initiated except in special circumstances. In these circumstances, Year End processing procedures apply. For Year End procedures and rules please refer to the Receiver General Directives.

The scenarios here are for "Current Year Corrections".

Two terms can be applied to the corrective process, "Questioning" of an IS and "Correction" of an IS.

The "Questioning" of an IS is a Standard Payment System term and is applied to the action of reversing an IS through the SPS process. Questioning is handled via the SPS On-line facility.

The "Correction" of an IS is an overall approach to correcting an IS issued. The following procedures will provide the information necessary for departments to correct an incorrect IS.

It is important that departments involved in the correction of an IS communicate their intentions and requirements to their partnering department.

Correcting Your IS

Select the scenario that best describes your IS circumstance. By clicking on "Show the scenario correction", the corrective steps will be displayed.

For all other scenarios, or exceptions to the scenarios described below, departments should contact the Manager, RG-GL (819) 956-2847 or Denis de Grandmont (819) 956-2866 from the RG-GL Division at PWGSC for further information on the corrective action to be taken.

  Scenario Correction Description (select one of the four options)
1. Creditor department initiates an IS request with an incorrect Debtor department.
2. Creditor department initiates an IS with a Debtor department for an incorrect amount (over billing and over settlement).
3. Debtor department initiates an IS request with an incorrect Creditor department.
4. Debtor department initiates an IS with a Creditor department for an incorrect amount (over billing and over settlement).



