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Questioning an IS Transaction

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Questioning of an IS request in SPS results in the reversal of the accounting entries in the RG-GL for the questioned IS.

Either of the partnering departments can question an IS request. For audit purposes it is best for the IS initiator to do the questioning.

Questioning can only be done in the same fiscal year to which the IS request belongs.

Questioning generates a new IS and a new requisition number.

SPS supports both selective and automatic questioning of an IS.

Selective Method

Creditor department initiates an IS request with incorrect debtor department.

The creditor department uses the SPS online functionality to access and question the IS request that was previously processed. Implies that questioning will be followed by an agreed upon additional corrective action.

Creditor department initiates an IS request with a debtor department that is not in agreement with the amount.

The creditor department uses the SPS online functionality to access and question an IS request that was previously processed. Implies that questioning will be followed by an agreed upon corrective action. The creditor would initiate a creditor IS request in the case of under settlement or a debtor IS request in SPS in the case of an over settlement.

Automatic SPS IS questioning

When a creditor initiated IS exceeds the recipient debtor department's maximum threshold, SPS will process the request with a status of pending approval. If the recipient debtor fails through the online facility to approve the IS request within fifteen (15) business days of the SPS assigned process date, an IS request will be generated to reverse the original IS request along with its related control data to the RG-GL.

Only creditor initiated IS's will be subjected to the debtor department's threshold. Debtor initiated IS request that exceed the debtor department's threshold will not cause the IS to have a status of pending approval.
