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   R & D Activities

 Materials :


 Sectors :

Industrial Techno.
Virtual Manufact.

 Sections :

Aluminium Tech. Ctr.
Advanced Mater. Design
Modelis. & Diagnostics

 Groups :

Aluminium Forming Proc.
Charact. & Ultrason. Sensors
Intelligent Form. Tech.
Numerical Modelling
Optical Techniques
Polym. Composites
Powder Forming
Functional Polym. Systems.
Surface Technologies

Business Fastlane
Our Technologies
Information Station
Success Stories

In the spotlight ...

Surface Technologies 2006 - NRC Workshops
7, 8, 14 and 21 November 2006

Information Session on Titanium Powder Injection Moulding for the Medical, Dental & Aerospace Fields
November 24, 2006

Pay Equity Settlement

PMRM 2007 - Polymeric Materials for Regenerative Medicine
April 2-4, 2007

CompMed - SSH Symposium on Computer Simulation in Medicine
May 16-18, 2007

MetFoam 2007 - 5th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams
September 5-7, 2007


Metals as Seen through Our Specialists' Eyes

Parts manufactured by powder metallurgyKey materials used in many high tech industrial sectors, metals hold an important place in our research programs. The first aspect of our activities concerns the development of new or improved metal products, which requires to fully understand the composition and properties of these materials. The second aspect concerns the development of forming processes that will help the manufacture of these materials at competitive production rates and costs. The last aspect consists in designing and evaluating instrumental devices that will enable the control of both the various process parameters and the quality of the parts manufactured.

Indeed, IMI has developed a solid expertise in the following metal processes, whose some lead to industrial technological breakthrough.  IMI has started the Aluminium Technologies Centre (ATC) who intends to provide strong support to the Canadian aluminium manufacturing industry, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to design, integrate, prototype and develop new concepts and high value-added aluminium products and services.

Many technologies of our own design also enable us to control forming processes and the resulting quality control of products. Among these technologies, we have :


Last Update : 2006-02-27

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