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   R & D Activities

 Materials :


 Sectors :

Industrial Techno.
Virtual Manufact.

 Sections :

Aluminium Tech. Ctr.
Advanced Mater. Design
Modelis. & Diagnostics

 Groups :

Polym. Composites
Powder Forming
Functional Polym. Systems
Surface Technologies

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Success Stories

In the spotlight ...

Surface Technologies 2006 - NRC Workshops
7, 8, 14 and 21 November 2006

Information Session on Titanium Powder Injection Moulding for the Medical, Dental & Aerospace Fields
November 24, 2006

Pay Equity Settlement

PMRM 2007 - Polymeric Materials for Regenerative Medicine
April 2-4, 2007

CompMed - SSH Symposium on Computer Simulation in Medicine
May 16-18, 2007

MetFoam 2007 - 5th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams
September 5-7, 2007


Advanced Materials Design

Taking advantage of the highest quality materials and effective processes in industry is without a doubt synonymous of competitive advantages. In this respect, IMI's Advanced Materials Design Section is able to provide the technological expertise and technical support that is so invaluable to industry.

IMI's activities target the development of new or improved transformation and forming processes that result in more rapid, flexible and dependable manufacturing technologies, as well as better performing materials. This work is directed at improving the composition of materials and manufacturing conditions, in order to facilitate and simplify the forming processes, shorten production cycles, and reduce waste and the environmental impact resulting from manufacturing firms' activities, and of course to substantially reduce production costs. These activities concern metals, polymers, ceramics as well as their composites and alloys.

Our specialists' expertise is applied to the in-depth study and understanding of the relationships between the microstructure and performance of materials. For example, our work involves developing advanced materials based on formulations that are better adapted to end use requirements, such as metal powder or polymer formulations. They also encompass the performance of materials that we adapt by controlling the microstructure through the understanding of thermomechanical cycles and the physical or chemical transformations to which the materials are subjected during the forming process. Some research work involves controlling the microstructure when coatings are applied, when polymer film is blown, or during the forming of thermoplastic composites.

There are various approaches used in the optimization of processes. Direct strip casting of thin metal bands, for example, offers the advantage of simplifying the manufacturing process by eliminating some processing stages. And other work is regulated by increasingly strict environmental requirements that companies are required to respect. The same applies to activities encompassing the forming of thermoplastic composites and the manufacture of polymer foams.

The section's research and development activities are grouped under five major themes:

Numerous projects are conducted jointly with companies working in various industrial sectors, such as plastic processing, metallurgy, transportation, aerospace, biomedical, energy, natural resources, construction, sports and leisure, and packaging. These projects typically aim to better understand the behaviour of materials during the forming process, conduct validation tests and develop prototypes. This work, conducted in close collaboration with our industrial partners, paves the way for technology transfer during the scale-up process. It also allows companies to acquire the necessary knowledge and technologies that contribute significantly to their growth and competitiveness.

Please consult our fact sheets to learn more about this:

More than 40 companies work with us through the following partnership programs:


Last Update : 2006-09-11

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