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Employees of Companies and Organizations
Program benefits
The Canada RSP
Signing up
Changes after sign-up
How to redeem
What if you leave your employer?
Terms and conditions
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How to redeem
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You can redeem some or all of your CSBs directly through secure online access at If you do not have internet access, you can use our toll-free phone service at 1 877 899-3599, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm (ET), and either use the automated service option or speak to a Customer Service Representative. Requested funds will be deposited directly to your bank account within three business days, while any remaining balance will continue to earn interest.
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If redemption is requested in the first three months after the issue date, no interest is paid, and no partial redemptions are allowed. Also, an employee's purchase amount will be held for 15 days from the date the Bank of Canada receives that purchase amount. You must arrange with the Bank of Canada to have the redemption payment deposited directly into your personal bank account.
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If bonds are owned by more than one person, or the owner is not the employee, arrangements for direct deposit of payments can be made by contacting Customer Service toll-free at 1 877 899-3599, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm (ET).
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Redemption requests from The Canada RSP should be made in writing to:
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Canada Savings Bonds
Registered Products
P.O. Box 2390, Station D
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1K8
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For more information please call 1 877 899-3599, or 1 800 354-2222 (TTY/Teletypewriter).
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Bond owners receive an annual statement (as at December 31) listing bonds held, interest earned, and bond purchases and redemptions for the year as well as plan balance. If the accumulated annual interest is equal to, or more than $25, a T5 receipt will be issued for income tax purposes.
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Note that withdrawals from RRSPs are subject to withholding tax. Bond owners with investment in The Canada RSP receive semi-annual statements (as at June 30 and December 31) listing bonds held, accrued interest, bond purchases and redemptions for the period, as well as plan balance.
secure access to your bonds
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Updated:    2006 09 26
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