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Invest in your future today
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The Canada Savings Bond and The Canada RSP.
Putting money away for retirement doesn’t have to be a complex process. When you have the right investment and the right plan, saving for tomorrow can be as easy and comforting as enjoying a warm sunset at your prospective retirement retreat.

By purchasing the Canada Saving Bond (CSB) within The Canada RSP – a no-fee savings plan specifically designed to hold the CSB – you’ll make a secure investment every time you get paid. You will also enjoy tax-sheltered growth while your bonds remain within The Canada RSP.

Together the Canada Savings Bond and The Canada RSP offer you sound investment benefits:

Line spacer You’ll keep your money – you pay absolutely no fees to purchase, hold or redeem your bonds and your investment is fully backed by the Government of Canada;
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guaranteed for the announced period and may
even go up;
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statements outlining your contributions and earnings.
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The bonds you purchase will earn compound interest for the
time they’re held in The Canada RSP. At the end of the day by
investing in the Payroll Savings Program, your dreams of
retirement will become much more of a reality.

You can purchase your own Canada Savings Bonds in The Canada RSP for as little as ten dollars per week.
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Watch your savings grow.
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To make planning your future easier please use our RRSP Calculator. You'll find out how much you'll need to save for retirement and how much you should be contributing each year.
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Already own CSBs?
Any unmatured compound interest CSBs you already hold can be contributed at any time to The Canada RSP for tax-deferred growth, up to the maximum contribution allowed and subject to your personal RRSP contribution limit under the Income Tax Act (Canada). The minimum transfer amount is $500 per series.
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To learn more about the CSBs transfer to RRSP, call Customer Service at toll-free 1 877 899-3599 (TTY: 1 800 354-2222) Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm ET.

secure access to your bonds
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Click here for Rates

Updated:    2006 08 11
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