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Employees of Companies and Organizations
Program benefits
The Canada RSP
Signing up
Changes after sign-up
How to redeem
What if you leave your employer?
Terms and conditions
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Signing up
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Your time is limited to sign up for the Canada Savings Bond and The Canada RSP. Every year, CSBs are available through the Payroll Savings Program during the month of October.
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How to complete applications
In the course of the campaign you will complete one or both of these applications:
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1. Canada Savings Bonds form: PSP06. This form consists of three copies with the Terms and Conditions included in the attached brochure.You keep copy 3 and the remaining two go to your Campaign Director.
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2. The Canada RSP form (if offered by your organization): PSPRSP06. This form consists of three copies with the Terms and Conditions and the Declaration of Trust included in the attached brochure.
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A separate application form is required for each bond owner, i.e.: if an employee purchases bonds for three children, three respective forms must be completed and three Plans will be opened.
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1. Print legibly, using BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS.
2. Use only black or blue ink.
3. Write within the white boxes.
4. Omit titles, credentials and honorifics such as Ms., Mr., Mrs., MBA or PhD from sections 1 and 2 of the application.
5. Provide your home address and that of the bond owner (or RSP owner for the RRSP form) in sections 1 and 2 of the application. This will ensure prompt delivery of statements and tax information slips.
6. Return your applications to your Campaign Director by the date indicated.
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Please return Copies 1 and 2 of your application to your Campaign Director and retain Copy 3 for your records.

If you are already on the Payroll Savings Program and would like to increase your bond purchase amount you may do so during the CSB sales period by using Payroll Deduction Change Form (download .pdf). Once completed, this form should be returned to your Campaign Director or your Payroll Department.  

Also, if you contribute to several plans and wish to change your payroll deduction amount, please call toll-free 1 877 899-3599, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm (ET) in order to inform Customer Service of the new amount to be allocated to each plan, otherwise the new deduction amount will automatically be pro-rated across each of the plans.

Keeping track of your bonds
You can make transaction inquiries, request redemptions, and check Plan balances at virtually any time through secure online access at You can also have your questions answered by calling the toll-free Customer Information line at 1 877 899-3599 (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, Eastern Time).
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Bond owners receive an annual statement listing bonds held, interest earned, and bond purchases and redemptions for the year. If the accumulated annual interest is equal to, or more than $25, a T5 receipt will be issued for income tax purposes.
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secure access to your bonds
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Click here for Rates

Updated:    2006 09 26
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