Yukon Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board | Commission de la santé et de sécurité au travail du Yukon

Employer's Report of Injury/Illness

What you need to know:

Any serious injury or accident must be reported immediately to the 24 hour reporting line (867-667-5450).

As soon as you learn an employee has sought medical help for a work-related illness or injury, you must fill out the Employer's Report of Injury/Illness (PDF, 83 KB) and send it to the YWCHSB within three working days. This is required by law even if your worker misses no time from work.


The report provides important information for the claims process.  Delays with reports slow the process.  The longer claims take, the more they cost.  Those costs affect your assessment premiums.

In 2003, the YWCHSB found that employers were taking an average of about two and a half weeks to send in their reports -- almost six times the length of time required by law.

What if I don't hear about the injury or illness right away?

We count three working days from the time you become aware of the injury or illness.  If you hear about it on Friday, you must send in your report by Wednesday.  You may hear about the injury or illness from the worker, a supervisor, a co-worker, a witness, the YWCHSB, a doctor or someone else.  The point is, as soon as you know about it, you need to act.

What if I don't agree with the claim?

You are required to fill out the Employer's Report of Injury/Illness whether or not you agree with the claim.  You can use the report to provide your point of view.

What if I don't fill out my report?

You are contributing to delays, claims costs and increased assessment premiums.  There is an initial penalty of $100 that increases by $25 for each day the report is overdue.  The maximum penalty under the Workers' Compensation Act is $500.

How do I send the report?

By fax, to 867 393 6279

By mail, to:

Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board, 401 Strickland Street, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 5N8

In person, to the address above.

For more information, call 867 667 5095, toll free 1 800 661 0443, Ext. 5095. You can also read the policy: Employer Penalty for Failure to Provde Timely Notice of a Work-Related Disability (PDF, 20 KB).