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Ressources naturelles Canada
Géochimie du till et de l'humus dans la région de Timmins-Kamiskotia, dans le nord-ouest de l'Ontario (SNRC 42A/11, 12, 13, 14)

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Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Priorités > Un environnement sain > Géochimie
Géochimie du till et de l'humus dans la région de Timmins-Kamiskotia, dans le nord-ouest de l'Ontario (SNRC 42A/11, 12, 13, 14)
Références bibliographiques

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1991: Using silt-sized visible gold grains to explore for gold deposits concealed by Quaternary overburden: Nevada vs. Canada; Explore, v. 72, p. 10-12.

Ayer, J.A. and Trowell, N. F.
1998: Geological compilation of the Timmins area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt; Ontario Geological Survey, Map P.3379, scale: 1:100,000.

Department of Agriculture
1978: Soils of Timmins-Noranda-Rouyn Area, Ontario; Land Resource Research Institute, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Soil Survey Report No. 46.

DiLabio, R.N.W.
1990: Classification and interpretation of the shapes and surface textures of gold grains from till on the Canadian Shield; in Current Research, Part C; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 90-1C, p. 323-329.

Henderson, P.J. and Roy, M.
1995: Distribution and character of gold in surface till in the Flin Flon greenstone belt, Saskatchewan; in Current Research 1995-E; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 175-186.

Henderson, P.J., McMartin, I., Hall, G.E.M., Percival, J.B. and Walker, D.A.
1998: The chemical and physical characteristics of heavy metals in humus and till in the vicinity of the base metal smelter at Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada; Environmental Geology, v. 34, p.39-58.

Hughes, O.L.
1956. Surficial geology of Smooth Rock, Cochrane District, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 55-41.

Hughes, O.L. Jackson, S.L., and Fyon, J.A.
1991: The western Abitibi Subprovince in Ontario; in Geology of Ontario, Ontario Geological Survey, Special Volume 4, Part 1, p. 404-482.

McClenaghan, M.B.
1992a: Quaternary geology of the Matheson-Lake Abitibi area, Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5836, 105 p.

McClenaghan, M.B.
1992b: Surface till geochemistry and implications for exploration, Black River- Matheson area, northeastern Ontario; Exploration and Mining Geology, v. 1, p. 327-337.

McMartin, I., Henderson, P.J. and Nielsen, E.
In press: Impact of a base metal smelter on the geochemistry of soils of the Flin Flon region, Manitoba and Saskatchewan; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Paulen, R.C. and McClenaghan, M.B.
1997: Surficial mapping and Quaternary stratigraphic studies in the western Abitibi greenstone belt, Timmins, Ontario; in Current Research 1997-C; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 191-200.

Paulen, R.C. and McClenaghan, M.B.
In press: Surficial geology of the Buskegau River (NTS 42A/14) area, northeastern Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3619, scale 1:50 000.

Paulen, R.C. and McClenaghan, M.B.
In press: Surficial geology of the Manning Lake (NTS 42A/13) area, northeastern Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Map 3618, scale 1:50 000.

Richard, J.A.
1983a. Quaternary geology of the Kamiskotia Lake area, Cochrane District; Ontario Geological Survey, Map P. 2679, scale 1:50 000.

Richard, J.A.
1983b. Quaternary geology of the Pamour area, Cochrane District; Ontario Geological Survey, Map P.2680, scale 1:50 000.

Veillette, J.J.
1995: New Evidence for northwestward glacial ice flow, James Bay region, Quebec: in Current Research 1995-C; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 249-258.

Veillette, J.J. and McClenaghan, M.B.
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